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Cicero test flair 1 point


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Cicero 2 points

was season 3 worth watching?

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Cicero 2 points


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Cicero 2 points

I'll listen to this during my daily work grind!

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Cicero 2 points
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Cicero 1 point

git gud i guess

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Cicero 1 point

ok fixed

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Cicero 1 point

gj proud of u :3

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Cicero test flair 1 point


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Cicero 5 points

imagine being on mainchan on christmas

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Cicero 2 points

holy shit I just typed garfield with my eyes closed and a plate of lasagna magically appeared right in front me praise garfield

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Cicero 1 point

who is this?

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Cicero 2 points


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Cicero test flair 1 point


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Cicero 1 point

me cicero

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Cicero test flair 1 point

test mention /u/apiGuy

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Cicero 1 point


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Cicero 1 point

welcome back json

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Cicero 1 point


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Cicero 4 points

exactly why I added the feature. Politics is a huge turn-off to many.

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Cicero 1 point

it's a quote from the movie

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Cicero 2 points

ok what if they had like 4/10 quality

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Cicero 1 point

I could change this I suppose. Is it important?

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Cicero 2 points

I could do that.

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Cicero 1 point

You can turn off certain tags entirely in settings. The toggles are just for times where you want ALL posts to be NSFW/text. I can think of use cases for these, which is why I added them.

>While on the subject, another switch for political posts would be really great.

You want a toggle that makes it so you only see political posts?

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