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Cicero 1 point


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Cicero 2 points

I'll look into it after work.

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Cicero 1 point

what the heck why is my DOM crawler not getting a thumbnail for youtube videos? I thought I fixed this :(

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Cicero 1 point

Florida, we go a few times per year

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Cicero 2 points

not yet no. Seems you all use android.

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Cicero 1 point

one day

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Cicero 1 point


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Cicero 1 point

It was probably the post on /s/greentext that had the f slur without a NSFL tag.

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Cicero 2 points

If this world were mine to mold, every being that ever lived would be loved as much as I loved you.

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Cicero 1 point


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Cicero 4 points QUADS GET

I'm putting down my cat on wednesday, so kinda.

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Cicero 6 points

literally me

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I broke a pickaxe
s/random · Posted by Cicero 4 weeks ago
s/random · Posted by Cicero 1 month ago
Cicero 1 point

holy shit

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Cicero 4 points

don't listen to the "cringe guy". Like what you want to like.

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Cicero 1 point

I hate psyops

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Cicero 1 point


you have unresolved modmail for /s/random?

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Cicero 1 point

Seems shorty is back. In the future I might just make subchans claimable outright if there's unresolved modmail over a month old.

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Cicero 1 point

/u/Shorty is this true

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