so basically empires and shit impacted societies around the word because they were powerful and all. i mean, you need to look at this from the perspective of a peasant or some shit. imagine just working in a filed and then some guy wearing metal with a big ass sword pops up and starts slaughtering the shit out of your friends. i mean, if i were in that situation i would just obey the emperor. now, lets look at the american revolution. i mean, it was basically just a bunch of people standing in a line and shooting each other with weak-ass "guns" that take 12 seconds to reload and miss 99% of the time. but it still impacted society and shit since it literally created America.
At least religion helps people to cope with the current state of their life and encourages them to keep trying because of the promise of an eternal reward, giving them purpose in life. I have noticed that the only thing that most atheists use to keep them going is a constant source of instant pleasure from consuming hours of short-form content, such as Tiktok, taking drugs, and having sex or fapping between sessions of wageslaving.
I literally can't see anything wrong with the guy she is looking at. There is no reason why he should stand out negatively enough to have a picture taken. Is this the future? Will zoomer women consider all men who are not perfect Chads are weird? There is the possibility that the man is related to her or that he was accidentally included in the photo but both of these scenarios seem very unlikely. Brutal.
The main problem with Mainchan is that there isn’t raally any new features to attract users to the site. Sure, there is the ability to remain anonymous, but that can be accomplished by just creating another account.
Most normie advice does not work because there are factors other than personality which determine how people treat you. If you are short, for example, you usually get ignored or taken less seriously in conversations than other males. Also, normies like to recommend “therapy”, which does not solve the actual bullying.
If it really is hard to come up with ideas for text posts then why are sites like Reddit very active?
>be me
>forgot about this site but suddenly remembered it and decided to go back
>immediately sort posts by, "New"
>1-2 posts a day
>decide to click on one
>literally just an image with no context
>no explanation, no purpose, nothing
>realize that someone probably posted this just for the sake of posting something and had nothing better to post
>be the guy in the thumbnail
>robbed many houses
>nearly beat a 14 year old kid to death
>go to jail
>girls see your photo and simp
>get multiple modeling contracts
>get treated like a god wherever you go
>be the average sub5 male
>decide to sit in table
>dont notice that a group of girls is nearby
>hear them whisper "hes soooo creepy wtf"
>get called pervert and creep all the time
>always get ignored
Im not saying that everyone is like this, but enough people are that it has a noticeable impact on how normies generally treat sub5 people.
Welcome mainbro i guess
yeah heres my attempt
so basically empires and shit impacted societies around the word because they were powerful and all. i mean, you need to look at this from the perspective of a peasant or some shit. imagine just working in a filed and then some guy wearing metal with a big ass sword pops up and starts slaughtering the shit out of your friends. i mean, if i were in that situation i would just obey the emperor. now, lets look at the american revolution. i mean, it was basically just a bunch of people standing in a line and shooting each other with weak-ass "guns" that take 12 seconds to reload and miss 99% of the time. but it still impacted society and shit since it literally created America.
i ended up choosing basketball tbh
>be me
>try to start a philosophical discussion on Mainchan
>forgot that most users don't like to interact with the community and just consume content
>post "Mainbros, is not existing preferable to existing"
>lose 1 karma
>incentivizes people to stop trying to spark discussions
>decide to stop posting anything original and just repost content that is completely free of any thoughtfulness or meaning just to get a few karma
At least religion helps people to cope with the current state of their life and encourages them to keep trying because of the promise of an eternal reward, giving them purpose in life. I have noticed that the only thing that most atheists use to keep them going is a constant source of instant pleasure from consuming hours of short-form content, such as Tiktok, taking drugs, and having sex or fapping between sessions of wageslaving.
>dystopian soyciety expects you to be happy 24/7 wageslaving and then consuming media
>feel sad
>get prescribed 129183120832302094709 pills
Keep it there for a few seconds
Why would I need one? Why does everyone assume its my fault for getting bullied?
I would be perfectly content being a loner if it was not for the normies bullying me.
No. Some people, such as myself, were naturally intended by nature to be excluded and isolated in order to prevent more ugly, short kids to be born :(
An actual picture of me in school
What do you mean
I literally can't see anything wrong with the guy she is looking at. There is no reason why he should stand out negatively enough to have a picture taken. Is this the future? Will zoomer women consider all men who are not perfect Chads are weird? There is the possibility that the man is related to her or that he was accidentally included in the photo but both of these scenarios seem very unlikely. Brutal.
The main problem with Mainchan is that there isn’t raally any new features to attract users to the site. Sure, there is the ability to remain anonymous, but that can be accomplished by just creating another account.
Most normie advice does not work because there are factors other than personality which determine how people treat you. If you are short, for example, you usually get ignored or taken less seriously in conversations than other males. Also, normies like to recommend “therapy”, which does not solve the actual bullying.