

556 Karma
Joined 1 year ago
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Quack 1 point

Nothing. My life is but a mere sequence of identical blocks of time that normies refer to as weeks.

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Quack 1 point

The trajectory of a projectile does not follow a perfect parablolic path due to air resistance and the fact that gravitational force changes with height, although the latter is insignificant enough.

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Quack 1 point

>be me

>tries to go on forum and exist without normies


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Quack 1 point


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Quack 3 points

Try existing as a non-normie in 2023 and see how you get treated bruh.

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Quack 1 point

I chose the red-and-black gradient as the background since it looked cool. If you want me to change it back I can(I will make a poll)

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Quack 1 point

If you switch to dark mode it looks better but I can edit the stylesheet for light mode.

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What is a Normie?
s/antinormie · Posted by Quack 1 year ago
Quack 1 point

How is it normie?

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Quack 3 points

I hate it when I scroll to the left on an Iphone and I see a stupid widget with a bunch of shitty "news" with these useless people. And please dont get me started on the stupid normie tiktok videos with the fucking annoying music.

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Quack 1 point

Okay let me make the poll hold on but I think that the background is based ngl

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Quack 2 points

>why the fuck do I have to see this fucking cringe videos on every other website

Sometimes I wonder whether normies are actually self-aware or are just NPC’s. There is nothing appealing about viewing a bunch of normies dance like a demented orangutan or complaining or following stupid trends. And the Tiktok-style format is spreading to other sites, leading to abominations like Youtube Shorts. These stupid normies put the shorts hashtag and when you click on it you get sent to a Tiktok ripoff made by Youtube.

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Quack 1 point

The degeneracy and stupid behavior that is observed in modern normies is a consequence of most need being met by technology. Normies have nothing to do, causing boredom, and causing them to flock to weird movements and trends to alleviate it. I imagine that once every need and want is met, normies will go crazy.

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Quack 1 point

The site started three months ago and most people learned about it either from a post on RedditAlternatives or an advertisement on an imageboard.

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Quack 0 points

The virgin vs chad meme is another example of lookism, which is why I rarely use it.

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Quack 1 point


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Quack 1 point

Based drawings but it still resembles furry shit

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Quack 2 points

I never understood why corporations prefer these soulless art styles with unrealistic proportions. I think that normie minds appreciate simplicity more.

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Quack 4 points

I never found the majority of normie media to be entertaining. I also never understood why normies follow useless celebrities like sheep and simp for them. This man is paid more per month than these normies make in their miserable lifetimes to stand in front of a camera and say cool things and exist as an attractive person.

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Quack 2 points

I am forced to spend seven hours a day, five days a week being surrounded by normies.

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Quack 1 point


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Quack 1 point


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