To be frank I wrote on a laptop, keys are small as fuck. I can it least look down at it and tell what I was trying to do. Is a Swedish layout incase that matters at all.
For those who struggled: standard keyboard has "bumps" on keys F and J, they're meant for orientation of hands on the keyboard. So when you close your eyes you can find those keys first and then use your memory to locate other keys.
To be frank I wrote on a laptop, keys are small as fuck. I can it least look down at it and tell what I was trying to do. Is a Swedish layout incase that matters at all.
I'm gonno type your name
For those who struggled: standard keyboard has "bumps" on keys F and J, they're meant for orientation of hands on the keyboard. So when you close your eyes you can find those keys first and then use your memory to locate other keys.
I'm phoneposting.
holy shit I just typed garfield with my eyes closed and a plate of lasagna magically appeared right in front me praise garfield
picks or it didn't happen.
Have you typed that all while blind? That is actually quite impressive if you did so.
You must post what you've typed. That's how you complete the challenge. What are you afraid of?
he's probably using PC keyboard