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Gaystation 1 point

movie buffs when a movie is bad (they have to watch every movie in existence)

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Gaystation 1 point

I agree with you, what makes the backrooms so scary is the unknown, knowing that you've been there before but you don't know when, or why, or how. It's the fact that everyone has been to an office building, everyone knows what it's like to stand in the middle of a row of cubicles, hearing all the beepings of the phones, the clicking of pens and the groans of the employees. The back rooms are scary because it is still an office building but it has none of what makes an office build an office building.

For kids to take that idea and turn it into another mascot horror with generic "smiley men" creatures is a real shame as it destroys the foundation of the backrooms and turns it into another SCP clone, however telling these kids that "they shouldn't have phones at their age and that all they do is ruin things" would be wrong because no matter if you decide to bully them or not they will still continue to do what they do, instead of assaulting children when you hear them laugh in the game channel maybe laugh with them, enjoy your time, make jokes at them and yourself.

I think this video is pretty representative of what I mean.

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Gaystation 1 point


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Gaystation 1 point


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im not fucked
s/blogging · Posted by Gaystation 1 week ago
Gaystation 1 point

"men have wives and girlfriends"

"boys have plastic dinosaurs"

- myself

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Gaystation 1 point

iv been using it off and on for a while, since someone posted about it on here a bit ago

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Gaystation 2 points *

this is me after holding in a shit all day and then finally getting home

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Gaystation 2 points

I'm a HUGE fan of Arabian speed cubing online message boards

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Gaystation 2 points

Look at this cat dancing!

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Gaystation 1 point

Cool aye!

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Gaystation 2 points

The Ottoman Empire, also called the Turkish Empire, was an imperial realm that controlled much of Southeast Europe, West Asia, and North Africa from the 14th to early 20th centuries; it also controlled parts of southeastern Central Europe, between the early 16th and early 18th centuries.

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Gaystation 1 point

Me frfr

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Gaystation 2 points

Marvel rivals was an inside job

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Gaystation 1 point


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Gaystation 4 points TRIPS GET

Obviously I haven't gotten to that part

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Gaystation 1 point

Thanks g

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Gaystation 1 point

Green bird should beware of me

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s/random · Posted by Gaystation 2 months ago
Gaystation 2 points


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Gaystation 2 points

What a wonderful world

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My duo recap
s/random · Posted by Gaystation 2 months ago
Gaystation 2 points

Merry Craigslist

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