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Cicero 6 points

literally me

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Cicero 1 point

holy shit

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Cicero 4 points

don't listen to the "cringe guy". Like what you want to like.

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Cicero 1 point

I hate psyops

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Cicero 1 point


you have unresolved modmail for /s/random?

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Cicero 1 point

Seems shorty is back. In the future I might just make subchans claimable outright if there's unresolved modmail over a month old.

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Cicero 1 point

/u/Shorty is this true

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Cicero 1 point

is the head mod inactive?

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Cicero 1 point

but Shadow of the Erdtree is on Friday, not tomorrow

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Cicero 2 points *

elaborate, also nice trips

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Cicero 0 points

needs NSFW tag. Removing.

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Cicero 1 point

Removing. This is just spam at this point.

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Cicero 1 point

What do you mean?

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Cicero 2 points

You can just copy paste the URL straight into the text input, like so:

You can also use the anchor link tag and put the url in the href

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Cicero 2 points


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Cicero 2 points

less than 15 things on my to-do list. problem is that the to-do list grows sometimes when I realize I need to do this or that, so it's not a super accurate metric, but in theory it's super close to be finished. I want to say "I can finish this in a week" but that probably means a month.

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Cicero test flair 1 point
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Cicero 1 point

removing this, please tag NSFL next time.

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Cicero 3 points

for reference, Kabo is the name of mainchan's mascot and is loosely based off of Kabosu.

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Cicero 1 point

welcome back to mainchan. Excited for the app?

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Cicero 3 points

I'd play it. Then again cheating is so rampant in shooters these days.

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Cicero 2 points

I'm working on it right now.

I'm almost done.

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Cicero 2 points

fingers crossed it's not garbage

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Cicero 2 points

nsfw tag please

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Cicero 2 points

my wife is excited for this one, for whatever reason

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