May I ask, where did you obtain this from? The only source I could find was this one. It wasn't published by any major media outlet so far. And I've heard that the actual document was "two to three pages long", so what we have right now is probably not the full thing yet.
For some reason, I've read that as "master race" and I've been thinking that that was what it said for like a day straight. I was so confused when I first saw this, thinking, what does some dog have to do with the master race and why does it involve Miku? I just viewed this post again today and noticed that it's actually "masterpiece". LMAO.
The album cover is the first impression you get of the album. People say "don't judge a book by it's cover", but how the hell am I supposed to pick an album out of a bazillion others? I go on youtube and there's an infinite feed of albums out there. I'm not gonna listen to every one of them. I need a way to filter them so that I would have a higher chance of picking something I would like. Album covers actually reflect the ideas and emotions behind an album therefore they can serve as indicators of something I could potentially enjoy. Yeah, sure, some albums may be extremely good but will have shitty covers and I'm gonna miss out on them if I always judge the book by it's cover, but realistically, what other quick method for picking albums do we get in 2024: the year of infinite album feeds?
This feline is not swimming, it is walking atop the waters. Jesus cat has returned.
May I ask, where did you obtain this from? The only source I could find was this one. It wasn't published by any major media outlet so far. And I've heard that the actual document was "two to three pages long", so what we have right now is probably not the full thing yet.
consult with the magic 8 ball to be sure
For some reason, I've read that as "master race" and I've been thinking that that was what it said for like a day straight. I was so confused when I first saw this, thinking, what does some dog have to do with the master race and why does it involve Miku? I just viewed this post again today and noticed that it's actually "masterpiece". LMAO.
The album cover is the first impression you get of the album. People say "don't judge a book by it's cover", but how the hell am I supposed to pick an album out of a bazillion others? I go on youtube and there's an infinite feed of albums out there. I'm not gonna listen to every one of them. I need a way to filter them so that I would have a higher chance of picking something I would like. Album covers actually reflect the ideas and emotions behind an album therefore they can serve as indicators of something I could potentially enjoy. Yeah, sure, some albums may be extremely good but will have shitty covers and I'm gonna miss out on them if I always judge the book by it's cover, but realistically, what other quick method for picking albums do we get in 2024: the year of infinite album feeds?
>after being dumb enough
Sir, this is a Belarusian Lego build forum. Please refrain from using the d-word. My 5-year old nephew goes on here.
What is America?
I feel like some parts of this song sound blackmetal-ish, especially towards the end.
Also, LMAO at that intro speech.
"Just one more video before bed"
the video: