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Bridge Kids - Stranger Danger (youtu.be)
s/videos · Posted by ymous 7 months ago
ymous 2 points

So many people quiting at the start of 2024. Quite a few big youtubers decided to stop making content.

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ymous 1 point *

Btw can I use this post's comment section to do a feature request?

I want to see more AI girlfriends on this platform.

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ymous 1 point

Wait, anon, cancel the absent-app-frustration. Tonight, we are celebrating! It is the NATIONAL NOTHING DAY!!!


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ymous 1 point

Yes, finally. I've been waiting for this all year. A holiday I can actually celebrate.

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ymous 2 points


It all started somewhere in the summer of 2021. At this point in time I realised that I gotta do something about the pandemic. Something more than just being a model citizen by spending 8 hours a day on Reddit (which I already was). So I decided to travel back in time. I wasn't sure how I was gonna do that, so I searched up a tutorial online. I got this nice little webpage that told me that to achieve time travel, I must reset my PC clock and then delete system32. Obviously, I am not an idiot, therefore I realised that deleting system32 was put there for some trollin and will only fuck up my machine, so I skipped that part.

I had everything ready to go back to 2019 when I remembered that I'd need a way to come back to the present. Obviously you can't forward your PC clock to go forward in time. That's plain stupid. After some more searching, I found an article that talked about forward time travel. Apparently I needed a creature that is capable of curving time. The article also had a list of such creatures and one of them happened to be a duck. This was great because I had a duck shop right across the street.

The duck shop keeper didn't want to accept my fake bitcoin coins as payment so I had to go full gangster mode and steal the duck. Once I had the duck ready, I quickly reset my PC clock to summer 2019 and stepped out of the house. The cool 2019 summer wind was gently blowing over me as I was walking down the street thinking what should I do next. I figured that the first person I must inform about the pandemic should be the duck shop keeper. I strolled into his shop and told him about the unfortunate happenings that are gonna happen in a year. I don't think he listened to me as he kept on eyeing my duck. At the end of my speech he asked me "why did you steal my duck?". I told him that I didn't steal it yet because we were in 2019 and the theft act was gonna occur in two years from now. He told me that he just watched the cameras and saw me grabbing the duck from his cages. At this point I remembered that I did something like that back in 2019. I told the duck shop keeper that that is not the most important thing he should be focusing right now because getting a duck stolen in 2019 is nothing compared to having the whole shop closed down in 2020. The dude just stared at me like "so this is the second time you're doing this?". At this point I noticed that the dude's calendar had "2021" written on it. This was solid evidence. The duck shop keeper was an insane person who thought that they were living in the future.

I was getting bored so I decided to quit. I let the duck go and followed it just as was described in the article. If you take a duck from the future into the past, it would always find a way back. As soon as I heard an ambulance rushing past me, I knew I was back in my time. Then, suddenly, I felt the presence of the duck shop keeper. He was walking behind me the whole time! I literally just took this man from the past back into the future.

Not only did I completely fail my mission, but I also left a duck shop unattended for two years.

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ymous 2 points

No, but a lot of memories. You'll have to trust my words.

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ymous 2 points

Aight. I just happened to see folks talk about this stuff on /mu/. Thought you might have heard it from there. Cuz that's where I have heard about this album (and the band too) for the first time.

I liked the music at first because it was kinda chill, but then I got bored of it.

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ymous 2 points

I can vibe with this.

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ymous 2 points

Did you find this on /mu/ ?

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ymous 1 point

I discovered them from this song.

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ymous 3 points


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ymous 2 points

From time to time.

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ymous 2 points

I like this part

Please also note that this is NOT A PORNOGRAPHIC SITE and even though there may be suggestive content, it is not the main focus or intent and is strictly for educational purposes.
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ymous 1 point *

I would argue that "trees" are as mental as colours are.

Imagine a hypothetical animal which is a fish living deep in the ocean. Not a single generation of this fish has ever seen a tree before. What if someone catches this fish, puts it in a fishtank and then takes it for a walk in the park. Would the fish be able to differentiate the leaves of a tree from it's branches? Would it be able to tell that a tree is something separate from the ground that it grows from? Would it perceive a tree as a distinct object?

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ymous 1 point *

I have a feeling that you are confusing between "definition" and "perception". I see "definition" simply as a collection of symbols used to assign meaning to some particular symbol that we wish to define. "perception" on the other hand is the ability to recognize that a particular phenomenon is distinct.

I do not understand why being able to define colours in terms of wavelengths would enable all animals to perceive the same colours. We can define all our colour words in whatever way we want. These definitions will be useful as long as someone can interpret them (as long as they know what a wavelength of light is).

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ymous 2 points

I think this question has a good potential for a deep philosophical discussion, however I don't quite understand a few statements that you are making.

You are saying

colors cannot be defined without relying on other words to define them

but is it possible to define anything at all without relying on other words?

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ymous 2 points

For real?

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ymous 3 points

I like Think complexity. Maybe I'll actually get to using this textbook one day.

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Open Book Publishers
s/ebooks · Posted by ymous 8 months ago
ymous 2 points

Ventilation system. "To vent" means to install a ventilation system in your home. I assume that OP either took up cooking or is building a thermonuclear reactor. In both cases, a ventilation system is favorable, however it may come at a cost, therefore OP wants to get some feedback from the community before proceeding with the purchase and installation of a ventilating system.

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Complexity Explained (complexityexplained.github.io)
s/science · Posted by ymous 8 months ago
ymous 2 points

Omg I like claiming stuff too. I want to claim google.com. I think it'd be a stable source of income.

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