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ymous 2 points

Why do you have to get your cats shutdown?

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ymous 2 points

Wasn't Daron the founder of Scars on Broadway?

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I put m&ms in cereal
s/random · Posted by ymous 1 month ago
ymous 2 points
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ymous 1 point

Will you put on a maid dress to celebrate?

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s/poetry · Posted by ymous 1 month ago
ymous 2 points

Who are you trying to fool? I know a penguin when I see one.

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me irl
s/random · Posted by ymous 1 month ago
ymous 2 points

selfie with kangaroo or this didn't happen

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ymous 1 point

>Was disappointed in their follow up albums in comparison though

Which albums are you referring to? I thought that they broke up a year after releasing relationship of command. They reunited again around 2017 and released interalia, which in my opinion has a similar energy to relationship of command. After the breakup, some members went to form The Mars Volta whose songs might sound similar to something ATDI would release, so I fear that you might be confusing The Mars Volta with ATDI.

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ymous 2 points

I got introduced to relationship of command some three or four years ago. I have since listened to the whole album numerous times and have attempted to learn the lyrics of every song.

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ymous 1 point

I do not understand a single sentence that you have written, but I assume that this is something very important to you (or else why would you share it with us?), so enjoy my generous red arrow and my sincere approval of your posting, fellow mainbrother/sister.

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ymous 1 point

We're no strangers to love.

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ymous 2 points

It is never safe to sleep. It doesn't matter whether you painted your room or not. Bed monsters are immune to paint. They are able to endure harsh conditions for months while remaining perfectly hidden from your sight, waiting for you to fall asleep. Once you do fall asleep, they will crawl out of their hiding spots and impregnate you with their offspring. Both male and female human beings are vulnerable to this. The bed monster's form of reproduction is quite peculiar. They rely on other mammals to bear their children. After locating a suitable carrier, the bed monster will detach a part of himself and implant it into your body either through your mouth or your anus. The detached part will attach itself somewhere within your digestive system such that it could feed on the nutrients that you consume. This part will then evolve into a new bed monster. The growth period can take anywhere from a couple weeks to a year. Once the new bed monster has fully matured, it shall leave your body in a similar manner to which it has entered.

Nobody is ever safe from this. Bed monsters are poorly studied and whenever such studies are to be conducted, the budget is usually close to nonexistent. The world government understands that it has little power over the bed monster population and thus it chooses to ignore them. It is up to us to defend ourselves from this horrible act of satan that has been raping our civilization for centuries.

It is suggested that you sleep in a group and take turns monitoring each other throughout the night. Bed monsters are extremely shy and will flee as soon as they realize that they have been spotted. If you see one, try to scare it away by shouting or shining light at it. The chances of a bed monster attacking you are pretty low, but it is suggested that you stay away from it's reach as much as possible.

Help spread awareness by sharing this knowledge with your loved ones and for god's sake, stop pretending like volatile organic compounds from paint are a more serious issue!

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ymous 5 points *

Don't listen to the "don't listen to the 'cringe' guy". It is FORBIDDEN to like something that majority finds cringe. You WILL be judged and you WILL face the consequences. You shall suffer through the internet's wrath like a true man/woman/nonbinary. You shall accept every stone that hits your body and you shall not let out even the faintest weep. And most importantly, you shall NEVER, and let me repeat that with even greater stress, NEVER turn to the heavens for forgiveness. For the sins that you have committed are beyond the kindness of our lord to forgive.

And with that said, let the one who has never seen gay amogus furry porn cast the first stone.

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ymous 2 points

It's a term that Anne and Rain use to gain a sense of identity around here. By using words that only they can understand, they are thus excluding the rest of the mainchan gang from their culture and at the same time, strengthening the inner bonds within their Newzealandish Mainchaners subsubculture.

It's the same thing as when I scream SKIBIDI RIZZ GYATT at the top of my lungs after an elderly man thanks me for showing him the directions to the nearest public restroom at the airport. It's just a way that we humans establish a sense of identity and belonging to a specific culture.

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