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ymous 1 point
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ymous 1 point

I am deeply inspired.

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ymous 3 points

It's literally the top comment on almost every video. I just went through random music videos and it's always top. I find it weird.

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The 2024 Youtube experience
s/random · Posted by ymous 4 months ago
ymous 1 point

Nice, fellow phoneposter.

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ymous 3 points

I always wanted to grow up when I was a kid. I hated having to rely on my parents and being unable to make my own decisions.

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ymous 2 points

Quite homicidal, don't you think?

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ymous 1 point

I thought this was gonna be Meg Griffin. Peter Griffin's infamous daughter. But it turned out to be some anime thing. I am disappointed.

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ymous 1 point

Forgot that technology doesn't allow NSFW.

Reposted to /s/random


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ymous 1 point

nvm, can't post nsfw here

shall repost to random

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ymous 1 point

completely forgot sry

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ymous 4 points

There is no way you're getting me to follow your orders.

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ymous 1 point
You know you can just use bflix, right?

I'm too lazy to look for free content. But thanks for the site.

Here is how I rate the seasons

So basically it progressively gets worse?

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ymous 1 point

Video summary: gang of men drive across iceland in a communist jeep to burn down some dude's piano.

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ymous 1 point

how do I make a lower case "a" with 4 pixels of hight

idk, maybe

# ##### # # ######

or something.

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ymous 1 point

Why would someone replace it with the logo of some ubiquitous open source display server though?

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ymous 3 points *

For some reason I get this eerie vibe from that site. It feels like everyone is a bot or perhaps every account is operated by a single person.

Maybe I'm wrong, idk. The user interactions on there just feel odd.

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