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[–] ymous 6 points
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[–] gorpo85 1 point

incredible comment. Thank you in advance. But it would be more relevant if you commented on the original post, we've been active for less than two years and are looking for participants. Create your account there, join and help us grow. Thank you

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[–] NecroSocial 4 points

Of course should the pantelegraph still not meet your debloating and optimization needs the goto fix is, obviously, telepathy. While it will necessitate giving your AI girlfriend the mecha-cortex upgrade (not cheap) to allow her to decode telepathic signaling the results can't be beaten.



...Unless you're a truly dedicated web developer in which case you can further optimize your site by engineering around the well known "flesh bottleneck" present in standard telepathy. This is an easy step that can be achieved in a variety of ways though most devs choose to employ a purpose-made guillotine to decapitate themselves thereby freeing the soul up to directly transmit your site to users without the costly overhead of sending out packets through brain matter and bone. The femtoseconds of download time one saves this way can significantly reduce your site's bounce rate while boosting user engagement.

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