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freeBread 1 point TRIPS GET

Nice art.

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freeBread 1 point

Thanks for sharing!

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Portishead - Roads (
s/music · Posted by freeBread 8 months ago
"Yeah I'm in a band" - The Band in question: (
s/videos · Posted by freeBread 8 months ago
freeBread 1 point

This becomes even more humorous when you discover that those pigeons were actually released as part of the opening ceremony and were intended to symbolize world peace – a symbol of world peace that ended up catching fire.

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Grilled pigeons from Seoul Olympics 1988 (
s/videos · Posted by freeBread 8 months ago
freeBread 1 point


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freeBread 1 point

I know...

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freeBread 2 points

Did you do this with a graphics tablet or with a mouse and a keyboard?

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freeBread 1 point


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freeBread 1 point

That's the only thing that can really be said in this situation.

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freeBread 2 points


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freeBread 1 point

I don't like the way this guy is looking at me.

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freeBread 2 points
but the nerves were irritated by probably sitting too much and not exercising at all.

That's probably the reason my back is the way it is.

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freeBread 1 point *

A rather bizarre wiki I came across on Reddit a few days ago. It's creator is also really dedicated to it to a point where it could be said he's obsessed.

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Anime Bath Scene Wiki (
s/anime · Posted by freeBread 8 months ago
freeBread 1 point

Why not?

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freeBread 3 points

Yes I do believe colors exist.

Just because something can't be defined doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Take for example sound. Sound is simply a vibration that travels through the air or some other medium. Now how would you describe how does human voice sound like to a deaf person? Deep, high, perhaps pleasant? Those descriptions probably wouldn't help a deaf person understand how humans sound like but that doesn't mean that sound doesn't exist.

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