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freeBread 1 point

It's really weird how that works, right? I'll for example find a new streamer to watch and feel happy to find something new to enjoy just for me to mald at myself at work for wasting yet another afternoon the day before.

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freeBread 1 point

Check out some voice samples. This thing sounds bloody amazing.

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freeBread 1 point

Sorry to hear that.

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freeBread 2 points

Are you trying to bury a dead body?

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freeBread 1 point

I get what you mean.

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freeBread 1 point


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It's Henya Dayo!
s/vtubers · Posted by freeBread 1 month ago
freeBread 1 point
I recently picked up a book on cyber-espionage by Cliff Stoll

Do you mean the The Cuckoo's Egg (book)?

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freeBread 4 points *

I remember reading somewhere on Reddit that he had written in his journal that his ideology was just an excuse so he could kill people without feeling bad about it. I would love to check out if this is true or not but I'm afraid that I'm gonna get put on some government watch-list if I Google this stuff.

Also thanks for the book recommendation! I will check it out.

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freeBread 1 point

That's true.

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freeBread 1 point

I see. Thanks for the update!

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freeBread 1 point

How is the Mainchan app progressing?

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