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freeBread 1 point

Makes sense I suppose.

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freeBread 2 points

I see. Thanks.

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freeBread 1 point

What's too risky?

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freeBread 2 points

I see. Thanks for your insights.

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freeBread 2 points
collect (you)s

What do you mean?

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freeBread 4 points

What even is the appeal of 4chan? Around a year ago I decided to delve into the 4chan rabbit hole by frequenting the /g/ board for a few weeks and from what I saw most of the posts were just rage-baits that got reposted daily. Most of the replies weren't much better with people just belittling each other. Well thanks to that I came across one of the ads for Mainchan so at least something good came out of it.

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That's The Way It Is (
s/music · Posted by freeBread 7 months ago
freeBread 2 points
funnily enough, I only play old undemanding games

Same here. I don't really play games often but when I do they are usually quite old. For example the latest game I finished is Half-Life: Opposing Force.

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freeBread 2 points

Do you use this PC as a workstation or did you simply want the best gaming PC you can buy?

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freeBread 2 points

Is it weird that I kind of missed you?

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freeBread 1 point

Very cool, thanks for sharing.

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Colours (
s/music · Posted by freeBread 7 months ago
freeBread 2 points

Here's the answer.

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freeBread 1 point *

I came across this guy on Youtube a few weeks ago and I really like his coding streams. Check them out if you have time.

His web page.

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freeBread 1 point


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freeBread 1 point

I was asked out by a girl when I was 14 or 15 I don't remember how old I was exactly. I was with this girl in class for a few years at this point and we would frequently talk together. One day she asked me what kind of girls do I like and I simply didn't know how to respond. I think I simply muttered out, "Why do you care?". It only occurred to me a few years later that she indirectly told me she likes me.

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freeBread 2 points

What is that even supposed to mean?

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freeBread 1 point

But I don't know what to post.

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freeBread 3 points

Nice work OP!

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freeBread 1 point

Do CDNs really speed up video downloading that much? Shouldn't data stored on a regular server be good enough for a small site like Mainchan? I'm not an expert when it comes to these things so take what I say with a grain of salt.

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