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freeBread 1 point

Did you draw this? Cool.

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freeBread 1 point *
The incel must know his place

By replying to him you give him exactly what he wants: attention.

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freeBread 1 point *

What do you mean?

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freeBread 1 point

Same. I was frequently sick as a kid so I had to go to a doctor quite a lot. I remember that my mom would let me play Snake on her Nokia 1100 in the waiting room so I wouldn't cause any trouble. Oh and another old game I like to play nowadays is Tetris which I play when I'm feeling bored and I don't know what to do.

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freeBread 2 points
Total War: Medieval II and Mount and Blade, but I don't know if you'd consider them to be old per se

Those games are over 15 years old at this point so I suppose they fit in the "old games" category.

Deus Ex is also pretty good, though i never finished it.

Deus Ex is also another game I plan on playing. I already have it in my Steam library.

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freeBread 2 points *

Same here. I just don't know what to post. Maybe we all don't have anything to post because we are all terminally online gremlins who just spend their lives scrolling on the internet and thus have nothing interesting to share. I'm probably just projecting though...

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freeBread 2 points

Merry Christmas to you too!

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Rubia (
s/music · Posted by freeBread 8 months ago
freeBread 3 points

I really like how simple this website is. It's main focus is it's content and it doesn't shove any fancy animations, graphics, banners and other nonsense into your face. I wish more websites were like this.

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freeBread 2 points


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7 Ways to Maximize Misery (
s/videos · Posted by freeBread 9 months ago
freeBread 1 point

I hope it all turns out alright for you mate.

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freeBread 1 point


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freeBread 1 point


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freeBread 1 point

What is this show even about? I've heard of it and it's supposed to be quite good but I don't know anything about it beyond this.

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freeBread 1 point

This is guy is not your ordinary high school student to say the least.

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