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NecroSocial 4 points

Well a decently performing post used to average between 2-3 upvotes with 0-2 comments now we're starting to see them in the 5+ range with 5+ comments so that's a thing.

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NecroSocial 4 points
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NecroSocial 3 points

Greentext option seems a lil hidden. Like it's not something you can just select in the comment editor, you gotta know it requires a leading greater-than symbol. Maybe you chan vets are used to it but it's new to a Reddit refugee like myself.

>I'm still getting the hang of things around here

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NecroSocial 3 points *


Ha, Angus everyone knows your shart shaft is all loose and flappy.

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NecroSocial 3 points

The chan is definitely too frightening for a lot of redditors. I was even hesitant to join at first because of the name and the crowd the "chan" implied would gravitate to the site.

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NecroSocial 4 points

Ahh, warm fuzzies I haven't felt since COD MW2 lobbies.

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NecroSocial 4 points *

So a courtroom drama, no sci-fi concepts, no high concept, no scientific advisors needed. SNW's complete lack of actual accomplished sci-fi writers should be able to knock this one out of the park. The result: mid. The true fan of Kurtzman era Trek will no doubt view this episode as a tour de force (those fans tend towards having very low standards). However this was a big snore for me. There was never any tension as to whether Una's lawyer was going to win. Thus the episode mostly acted as an excuse for the writers to wax philosophical on civil rights. More than that it continues the nuTrek tradition of painting Starfleet and The Federation as the bad guys whenever possible.

The Federation is supposed to be this utopia of evolved humans and aliens living in peace and prosperity, so of course the writers paint the Federation planet Una hails from as having the dystopian element of racism against the genetically modified human offshoot species the Illyrians. The planet is said to have so much racial strife over this that they self segregate into two different societies. The facepalm over this in any way being the type of world Federation policies would create is palpable.

The big reveal at the end is that Una is the one who turned herself in. An obvious retcon of her arrest at the end of last season where she says to Pike: "I've known this might happen for years." If she had JUST reported herself for having illegal genetic modifications and then a team showed up to arrested her then that line from last season makes no sense on top of being weirdly cryptic. But then this isn't shocking since the second most used writing tool producers from Bad Robot and Secret Hideout employ (after the mystery box) is the retcon. Few things make Alex Kurtzman and Akiva Goldsman jerk each other off more furiously than reframing an old plot point with some new, poorly thought-out contrivance.

All in all though this was simply a mid-tier episode that leaned a bit on the boring side. I'd rank it far below even the worst episode of excellent show 'Star Trek Prodigy' which Paramount+ just, of course, cancelled. The proof that we live in the worst timeline continues to pile up.

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NecroSocial 3 points TRIPS GET
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NecroSocial 3 points

I'm sure you wound up searching up the same page I saw on that error 520: did you wind up trying any of those fixes?

I'm also using a different browser to access the site for now because the only fix on the user end for that error is clearing one's browser cache and I don't feel like resetting my main browser like that at the moment.

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NecroSocial 4 points

Founder title comes when you reach 100 true karma regardless of join date I believe.

It's the "true" karma bit that's tripping me up tho, I'm almost at 400 calculated karma but the true karma equation subtracts your post count from the total and I have a gazillion no-upvotes posts and comments that I made early on (and keep making) to keep my subs active and show activity on the site to hopefully attract new users. I'd have founder status by now if I only posted stuff I knew would get decent interaction.

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NecroSocial 4 points


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NecroSocial 3 points *

Haha thanks, dunno how it happened so quick after I mentioned it but I'll take it.

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NecroSocial 4 points

I don't think the name Bard is helping anything. It reminds me of Samsung's Bixby which is the AI assistant that annoys me when I press the wrong button on my phone a few times a month. Alternately it also reminds me of that singing bloke on The Witcher that annoys me when I'm fool enough to watch that show.

That, plus a borked launch and being outclassed by GPT-4 (especially in coding) has people looking at Bard the way people used to look at Windows Phone OS trying to compete with IOS and Android back in the day. Google's playing catch up.

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NecroSocial 3 points *

You liked that hard political turn in Barbie's second hour?

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NecroSocial 3 points

C'mon man, I made a whole /s/featurerequest sub for these posts.

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NecroSocial 3 points

Friend's mom bought him a used car, just needed oil. He drives it for days without adding oil and siezes the engine ruining the motor leaving him with no car having wasted thousands of his mom's money.

Same friend wanted to cut down a tree branch for no reason. Branch landed on and wrecked the fence in his back yard.

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NecroSocial 3 points *

About. Fuckin. Time. Those fucks were supposed to go under at the beginning of the year when I was holding puts on banks with major exposure to the fallout. Figures they'd find a way to let all the bankers unwind their positions before finally admitting they're as broke as people have been saying for a year and a half now. Bond/Swap bagholders are still screwed at least.

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NecroSocial 3 points *

My resume is a just a full page picture of my giant, erect penis with my phone number at the bottom. Recruiters respect that kind of openness much more than any qualifications. Landed me my last three jobs as a heart surgeon, a preschool teacher and now an aerospace engineer.

If your dick ain't on your resume you're doing it wrong. You're welcome.

Edit: Boobs work equally as well.

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NecroSocial 3 points

I haven't been around to make a gazillion posts like usual since my health decided to suck dick. Been busy with stuff like trying to walk without passing out, getting anxiety when my heart beats a lil too hard, taking a ton of meds and dealing with some just wonderful bathroom related side-effects. I'm still here tho. When I'm able to I'll get back to my usual deluge of posts that get zero interaction.

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NecroSocial 3 points

Definitely. Especially when they get one that really starts to crunch theoretical physics.

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NecroSocial 3 points

The UN (United Nations, the government of governments) created the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) which caused the WEF (World Economic Forum, the controllers of banks and corporations) to create ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) which enforces the UN's SDGs on the corporate and finance world. This filters down at the ground level to become DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) standards mandated by the companies on their employees and products where applicable. This is the reason movies and shows have been heavily race swapping characters and cramming in as many politically correct, feminist, or other so called "woke" narratives as possible. It's why literary agencies now employ "sensitivity readers" to censor books. This is the root cause of the culture war.

As good-hearted as these policies and mandates may seem (and there is some good, getting companies to stop raping the environment, fighting to end poverty, these parts fuck) the social engineering component has proven to be cancerous and deeply divisive.

So yeah Blackrock and companies under their umbrella will call ESG bad for business but they'll still push it because the UN is pushing it and the banks are pushing it, the people who really control the guns and money. So downstream companies will keep pushing it because their funding from the banks and their investment backing from Blackrock, Vanguard and the like depends on it plus there's a generation of newly indoctrinated young adults in their employ fresh out of schools with DEI-laced curriculums to attend to. Meanwhile everyone else is left to look at all our institutions and entertainment going to absolute shit following this top-down mandate from on high that just doesn't jive with real life or common sense.

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NecroSocial 3 points

Your options kinda drop off a cliff once you move beyond Mac, Win, and Linux. The next best option after those is maybe Haiku, it's the open source continuation of BeOS (a Windows competitor in the 90s). But personally I wouldn't recommend it as a daily driver. I'd say just go with the user friendliest version of Linux out there for the least amount of headaches (probably Mint).

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NecroSocial 3 points

It's that damn retard strength

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NecroSocial 4 points

Apple's request is some anti-free speech BS that makes it possible to block every anon sub and user site-wide in one click. Not that I see anyone who doesn't want to cripple the site experience for themselves using that feature but it's still some BS. Good on ya for hacking it together tho.

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NecroSocial 3 points *

This isn't a chan site, it's a mix of a chan site and a content aggregator site. The retarded love child of 4chan and Reddit. That means greentext posts, text post, news posts, and image/video posts and anything in between.

Besides I know that any video or image I post is something I personally enjoy and want to share with others. That way they can also enjoy it and maybe we can vibe over mutually digging the same thing in the comments (for instance me an /u/ymous a while back finding we liked some of the same artists and genres of music). If I post a meme it was something that made me laugh that I felt someone else here might get a chuckle from. Granted no one has interacted with my Star Trek posts besides /u/Trek and I don't think they post here anymore but that's besides the point.

You want more text posts, make more text posts and make replies to text posts that generate more conversations. Me, I'mma go post another Star Trek article no one's going to comment on...

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