The current system where users report untagged (P, NSFW, NSFL) posts then wait for a mod/admin to enforce the global tag rule has a problem, responsiveness. The time between reporting and tagging can range from instant to never which can defeat the ability to filter posts.

Filtering content is one of the main selling points of Mainchan and the only hard rule keeping a free speech platform like this from going off the rails. Mods who ignore global tag reports or are just AFK a lot can lead to a site flooded with unfilterable content which would be bad.

I suggest... EDIT: Ignore my pedantic bullshit in the struck text, /u/Warren posted a better idea in the comments.

letting users set tags on other users posts. To prevent abuse of this make it so tags User A sets on User B's posts are only visible to, and filterable by, User A. So User A can tag a post NSFL and filter it out but it would have no effect on anyone else's site experience. Works best if User A can also change or delete those tags later on. This would allow users to filter their own feeds instantly without involving a mod or admin. Could also add a message box only visible to a post's OP saying "Users suggest adding the XYZ global tag(s) to this post. Untagged NSFW, Political or NSFL posts may be subject to deletion. Edit this post's tags here. Visit our Content Policy page to learn more." Would have the benefit of encouraging users who see the message box to tag their own stuff so everyone can then filter it correctly thereby reducing the number of reports mods would have to deal with. Hierarchy would go Admin tags > Mod tags > OP tags > other user's tags so there's no confusion or conflicts. Thoughts?

Edited 3 weeks ago

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Reported tags should probably just be automatic. Set them after a threshold of a certain number of reports. (set that number to scale with active users?)

In order to circumvent abuse, maybe there could be a symbol after a post gets automatically re-tagged for indicating that it was? Then you'd be able to use that symbol for reporting posts that you believe were incorrectly/maliciously reported so that action can be taken against anyone who abuses the system.

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Yeah, even better idea, keeps everything global. Nice.

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I might do something like this.

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1 more suggestion: maybe streamline the dialogue prompt for reporting incorrect tags so that you're asked something like "What should this post be tagged as?"

But after making a selection, you're provided with an additional warning/snippet of the relevant content policy. For politics it'd be something like "Does this post reference a candidate, political party, elected or appointed government official, election, referendum, ballot measure, legislation, regulation, directive, or judicial outcome?"

Your definitions for the tags are very clear, but I think a little reminder would go a long way in preventing people from acting on their own subjective interpretations of these terms.

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Usually when I report a post for missing a tag I'm not trying to hide it, just doing my part to make sure people who do want to filter those type of posts can.

A hiding feature would be a good addition though. Maybe a link that says "block" which brings up a menu where you can check boxes to "block user or block post" or somesuch?

Edit: This was marked as a reply to /u/ymous in the app but posted as a top level comment. Oddness.

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I think that in most of the cases when users would want to add a tag, they would be doing so because they do not wish to view that specific content. Therefore, it might be simpler to just implement a "hide this post" feature.

But the ability for users to tag other people's posts has some advantages. Like you said, OP might get some notification suggesting to add tags to their post and if they comply, then other users won't have to deal with filtering an improperly tagged post anymore.

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Replied to ya in the app, but it didn't post as a reply so I tagged you in it.

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