TLDR; Vivid memory from babyhood of playing with 3 women that never existed in a place that didn't exist.


As a kid, ever since I could remember anything, I had this memory of myself as a baby being in this brightly sunlit apartment being played with by these three young women. I vividly remember they were giggling and laughing the way girls do when playing with a baby and they took turns cradling me in their arms before softly tossing me to the next girl who'd do the same. The girls were all dressed the same in long white gowns, like nightgowns at a sleepover. Strangely we were in what looked to be a large empty and unfurnished apartment with light wood floors, white walls and a window with billowing sheer white curtains and what looked to be a bright blue cloudless sky beyond. I remember the feeling of that bright sunlight on my skin, looking up and laughing along with the girls as they danced around passing me between themselves.


That's all I remember of it, just flashes of the above but for the entirety of my childhood I never even questioned or doubted that this was just a real thing that happened. I assumed it'd happened in the first childhood home I remembered, in the apartment upstairs from ours in the 2 family house we lived in. It was only when I asked my mother about those three white ladies that used to babysit me that my little world was turned upside down. My mom was like, you never had a babysitter, let alone 3 of them and no white people even lived in the neighborhood we stayed in back then, definitely not in the beat up apartment upstairs from us. Turns out nobody lived on the second floor as it was a ramshackle not fit for humans. Not only that, when I was baby aged my mother was couch surfing with friends because of teen momma drama with her mother. None of those friends were white either and definitely none of them lived in unfurnished sun-bathed apartments since they were all dirt poor too.


The closest thing to an Earthly explanation I can envision for this memory is it being some kind of amalgamation of things I experienced at the hospital when I was born. That'd explain the bright lights and the white walls and clothes and being passed off between various young women (nurses). Thing is I was quite notably born during what my mother has described as one of the worst thunder storms she's ever seen. My family nicknamed me "Stormy" for my first few years because of it. So I don't get how I'd remember a cloudless sunny day out of that.


Anyway, it's a mystery I'll never get an answer to and now you too can ponder the weirdness.

Edited 3 months ago

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[–] Coolguy 2 points

it was probably lucid dream

lucid dreams are incredibly vivid like it was real

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[–] NecroSocial 1 point

I've considered that but could never square it with being among my first fully-formed memories containing things I'd never seen before at the time. In respect to the origin of this memory being unknowable a lucid dream could be as good an explanation as any though.

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[–] Anonymous f3ab7e53 2 points

probably confusing a TV show with a false memory

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[–] NecroSocial 1 point

Had the memory before I'd ever seen TV

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