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Cicero 1 point

me also

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Cicero 2 points

Pretty cool NGL.

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Cicero 1 point

best I can do for now is code snippets

Good suggestion though! I do have other things to get to first, however.

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Cicero 1 point

I'll take a look

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Cicero 2 points

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Cicero 2 points

real admin btw not real

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please use my website
s/random · Posted by Cicero 1 year ago
Cicero 1 point

also I'm making /s/blogging a default sub. Anyone who creates an account will be automatically subbed.

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Cicero 1 point



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Cicero 1 point

quality post my man

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Introducing (
s/announcements · Posted by Cicero 1 year ago
Cicero 1 point


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test (
s/testsub · Posted by Cicero 1 year ago
NSFW toggle test
s/testsub · Posted by Cicero 1 year ago
Cicero 2 points

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Fixed night mode
s/announcements · Posted by Cicero 1 year ago
Cicero 2 points


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Cicero 3 points

nice video thank you for contributing

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Cicero 1 point

ok which one do you want

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>be me
s/greentext · Posted by Cicero 1 year ago
A Handbag ?! - YouTube (
s/videos · Posted by Cicero 1 year ago
Cicero 2 points


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sticky test
s/testsub · Posted by Cicero 1 year ago
Cicero 2 points

don't blame me i voted for kodos

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