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Cicero 1 point

explain this like i'm 5

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Cicero 2 points

woah dude wtf my mom uses this website

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Cicero 2 points

The division between the sensible and intelligible realms seems arbitrary, and it is unclear how one can move from the sensible to the intelligible or the transcendent.

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Cicero 1 point

Every single post and comment made on Mainchan (other than yours and mine), was generated by chatgpt.

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Cicero 1 point

Kid is hot.

Wait no

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Cicero 1 point


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Cicero 1 point

call me when genetically engineered catgirls

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Cicero 4 points

At the moment, either rimworld or elden ring. Of all time? Probably OoT.

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Cicero 2 points

you can do it anon

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Cicero 2 points

stay in school

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Cicero 2 points

replying to every thread so here is your reply

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Cicero 1 point

wouldn't the increased testosterone make trans-poki have a more masculine jawline tho

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Cicero 1 point

>*remembers he has a photo*

Fuck git, this is the best version control

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Cicero 1 point

I love tony taka.

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Cicero 4 points

I'm too busy/lazy to read so my backlog is just growing and growing. But The Goblin Emperor is next.

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Cicero 2 points

More-or-less. Use a linux VM for anything you wouldn't want a mega-corporation to see.

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Cicero 1 point

as a french-canadian myself, I get it.

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Cicero 1 point

any previews?

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Cicero 1 point

pretty good actually

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Cicero 1 point

I discovered the wheel btw.

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Cicero 2 points

thanks fren!

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Cicero 2 points


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Cicero 2 points
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Cicero 5 points

imagine using facebook

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