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[–] JaqenHghar64 5 points

>no more anon posting in incognito

>5 minute wait timer for posting thread

>1 minute wait timer for replying

And now the IP counter is removed

4chan is dying from within

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[–] Cicero 2 points

This kind of gives me an idea for hashes. Right now you get a random hash per thread based on the account you're posting on, to prevent samefrening. I could also make it so that it also checks IP, so switching accounts wouldn't necessarily give you a new hash.

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[–] Gaystation 1 point

has anyone ever done that tho

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[–] Cicero 1 point

idk but i'm sure someone will at some point

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[–] anonymous234 1 point

sounds good

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[–] apiGuy 2 points

samefags now RAMPANT

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