I am one of the most hated people on the internet. My mere existence is considered shocking and disturbing to members of modern culture. So how should I handle posting to subs that don't allow NSFL? Should I just make my own subs to post in?
To give a concrete example, I am a programmer who hates modern programming. Everything that I have to say about programming is shocking and disturbing to modern programmers. So instead of posting in /s/programming, should I make /s/programming2?
Also I must confess to discriminating against cockroaches due to their immutable characteristics. Is this a problem?
And finally, how do I make vertical space between paragraphs?
Edited 10 months ago
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I don't know the answers, why are you asking me? You need to be initiated...
The last question is the most important one.
>I am one of the most hated people on the internet. My mere existence is considered shocking and disturbing to members of modern culture.
Thank you for your interest in using the mainchan!
Your first task to confirm your identity and claims is the following:
Given the any kind of valid code in some turning complete programming language, check if such code contains an infinite loop or not.
Example in C:
#include < stdio.h > int main() { while(1) { printf("."); } return 0; }
Your program should output: true
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem undecidable
.... what
.comment-text-container p,.submission-text-container p { padding: 0; margin: 1px 0 }
Why? And why did you extra lines here in the code block?