
Posted by fschmidt 10 months ago Follow

I am one of the most hated people on the internet. My mere existence is considered shocking and disturbing to members of modern culture. So how should I handle posting to subs that don't allow NSFL? Should I just make my own subs to post in?

To give a concrete example, I am a programmer who hates modern programming. Everything that I have to say about programming is shocking and disturbing to modern programmers. So instead of posting in /s/programming, should I make /s/programming2?

Also I must confess to discriminating against cockroaches due to their immutable characteristics. Is this a problem?

And finally, how do I make vertical space between paragraphs?

Edited 10 months ago

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[–] Anonymous 145cfe70 2 points *

I don't know the answers, why are you asking me? You need to be initiated...

The last question is the most important one.

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[–] Gaystation 1 point *

>I am one of the most hated people on the internet. My mere existence is considered shocking and disturbing to members of modern culture.



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[–] Anonymous bfb6b1a8 1 point *

Thank you for your interest in using the mainchan!

Your first task to confirm your identity and claims is the following:

Given the any kind of valid code in some turning complete programming language, check if such code contains an infinite loop or not.

Example in C:


#include < stdio.h > int main() { while(1) { printf("."); } return 0; }

Your program should output: true

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[–] fschmidt 1 point
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[–] Anonymous 08c2d8fd 2 points

.... what

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[–] fschmidt 1 point *

.comment-text-container p,.submission-text-container p { padding: 0; margin: 1px 0 }

Why? And why did you extra lines here in the code block?

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