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fschmidt 1 point
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fschmidt 4 points

They probably just asked for an app, right. I use https://appilix.com/ to make the website into an app and that seems to satisfy users.

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fschmidt 1 point *

.comment-text-container p,.submission-text-container p { padding: 0; margin: 1px 0 }

Why? And why did you extra lines here in the code block?

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fschmidt 2 points TRIPS GET

Why? Why did you invest time in this when you can just make a more mobile-friendly site and wrap that in an app. That is what I do. And getting in the android store is a nightmare, so I only bother with the Apple store.

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fschmidt 1 point

This is quite silly. Clearly written by a Christian with no understanding of Judaism or Islam. I can clarify specific issues if anyone is interested.

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s/mainchan · Posted by fschmidt 10 months ago