I had a fear of zombies. When I would wake up at night I would always look through my window to check if there's a horde of zombies coming towards our house. I would even have nightmares involving zombies. Fortunately that shit stopped when I reached my teens. What was your irrational fear you had when you were a child?
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I watched Monsters vs. Aliens and swore any time there was any light in the form of a circle, that I was about to be crushed to death.
Putting my arm or leg over the side of the bed while sleeping
aliens in my closet, listening in to what i was doing, ready to abduct me when they feel like it.
I was chased by a pack of dogs when I was like six or so, and not necessarily feared them, but rather hated dogs and wanted to have nothing to do with them until I was fourteen or so when I realized how dumb that was.
There was always someone standing behind the closet, next to the door at night, just waiting for me to get out of bed and then kill me if I wanted to leave the room.
I used to think that goblins lived in the basement, and that they would steal things from me in the night.