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Gaystation 1 point

Letssss go!

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what does rapt mean
s/random · Posted by Gaystation 2 months ago
Gaystation 1 point
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Gaystation 1 point


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Gaystation 1 point

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Gaystation 1 point

then ca you still invite me to be a admin

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Gaystation 2 points

this is some h.p Lovecraft sorta thing

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Gaystation 2 points

another classic

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Gaystation 1 point *

I dont think so

it said unresolved mod mail

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i made garfield
s/random · Posted by Gaystation 3 months ago
Gaystation 2 points

Mods, give him a pat on the back and a bar of chocolate

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Gaystation 1 point

It's my main man Garfield!

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Gaystation 1 point

I think your onto something, it kinda depends what marble your talking about like a marble countertop is not it but the colour of a 2000-year-old Roman statue is the colour of June

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Gaystation 1 point

history, brown and horse.

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Gaystation 2 points

Its anon234, he used to be like the most hated person on mainchan

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Gaystation 1 point

How long have you been gone?

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Gaystation 1 point


I was going to that

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Gaystation 1 point

You have committed great atrocities

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Gaystation 2 points

May peace on earth came with the presence of our lord

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11 DAYS!
s/random · Posted by Gaystation 3 months ago
Gaystation 1 point

i found something interesting, why were so many footballers being transferred with Belgium in 2019?

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Gaystation 1 point


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