i had a lot of fun doing the communism and it was fun to see what other people had made for their party each day. it gave me a reason to log on each day. i think it would be good to bring it back not only for the funny but also it is to get the site moving again. I remember when it was a thing I made a google site and stuff for actual elections to happen. Thoughts?

Edited 4 months ago

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[–] Anonymous 990dd1f9 1 point

In a little less than 4 years yes.

Till then, rabotai tovarish.

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[–] Gaystation 1 point

there hasn't been a previous election

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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point *

I must agree, it was very fun to see what people had made. Me and rain were thinking about making our own party. It felt like mainchan's first community event.

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