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freeBread 1 point

Yeah but has he given the database access to anyone so all the data can be restored in such a scenario? That's what I have in mind.

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freeBread 1 point
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freeBread 1 point
Do these people not realise how ass this site would be for that?

I don't think that they think about the consequences that such a change would entail. They just see a potential for growth and roll with it.

Is there even a way to filter out stuff you don't like? I mean that's the reason I don't use half of porn sites, cause is full of shit I hate and can't get rid off.

Besides only subscribing to subchannels that interest you I don't think there is any.

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freeBread 1 point

Thanks for sharing!

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freeBread 1 point *

This is one of my favourite pieces of music I have found so far. The whole build up with trumpets, drums and guitar droning that builds up to a gentle violin melody accompanied by drumming is the greatest thing I have heard so far. Skip to 4:54 if you don't want to listen to the whole thing. I know that this whole thing sounds kind of pretentious but it's how I feel when I listen to it.

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freeBread 1 point

I'm a "respectable" Mainchan user? That's news to me. All jokes aside I don't really get all the hate behind Genshin. Sure it's devs make money through microtransactions (they have to since the game is free to play) but the game itself is good. You can have fun playing it without spending a single cent on it (like me for example).

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freeBread 2 points

I didn't know that, thanks!

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Mozart - Lacrimosa
s/music · Posted by freeBread 9 months ago
freeBread 1 point

The amount of porn that can be found on the internet is already enormous, there's no need for yet another site filled with porn.

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freeBread 2 points

Thanks for an explanation.

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freeBread 1 point

You have to write the candidate's name on the ballot in the US? I thought that you circle the candidate's name on the ballot.

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freeBread 1 point *


Rolling rolling, rolling rolling, rolling rolling, rolling rolling, I tumble along

Rolling rolling, rolling rolling, rolling rolling, rolling rolling, I tumble along

I’ll keep on tumbling, rolling rolling, until the slope comes to an end

Searching for my body, I roll and roll

Tumbling along, wherever it may take me

Round and round, round and round, the landscape spins round and round

Round and round, the sky spins

I’m getting stained, going round and round, like a scribble

I’m turning red—brown—black

The slope is full of dirty round things

They gather in great numbers, and they tumble with a rumble, inside a dream of the deepest depth of hell

They keep on gathering, and they fall down with a rumble. Just another day where it’s fillеd with me under the floor

Now, I wondеr if I’ll find that body from that day, that moment in time—

This body that came along with me

I can’t find it, so rolling rolling, rolling rolling, I still must keep on rolling rolling, tumbling along

This time, for the next part, I’m searching for my head, rolling rolling

They gather in great numbers, and they tumble with a rumble, inside a dream of the deepest depth of hell

I’m searching for my head. I’m searching for my body, too. But I’m nowhere to be found

They gather in great numbers, and they tumble with a rumble, inside a dream of the deepest depth of hell

I’ve lost my head. I’ve lost my body, too. Everyone is getting along nicely at the bottomless bottom

I wonder if I’ll find it. I’m just a round thing like everyone else after all

And forever we’ll remain the same, so I can never find it anywhere

(Alt. Title(s): Rolling Rolling, Tumbling Along)


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freeBread 1 point


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