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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Zoo wee mama almost managed to beat the best version for me:

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SorbianSwitzerland 3 points

There is being a troll, then there is being retarded. Saying nobody cares about a surgery, when it's all that is being discussed, looks really dumb.

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SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

Reminds me of this.

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POV me.
s/politicalmemes · Posted by SorbianSwitzerland 1 year ago
SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

I'm stealing this.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Should've posted in It isn't random enough to be brought up here tbh.

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SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

Literal me fr fr.

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SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

some would call them "masterbaits".

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

With some people you just have to wish that they are trolls. Can't bear the thought they are genuine.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

So much this. They talk about all the game THEY pull, without thinking on how much game other people are able to pull.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

No, but I do get emasculated at public showers. I get a bit too self conscious when thinking about other men's looks. So I guess i'm just too jealous and bitter to be gay.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Digital hoarding in short. Still bloats server numbers and makes most of them a eyesore to look at.

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sisyphus cat (
s/cats · Posted by SorbianSwitzerland 1 year ago
SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

Making subchannels is a spook, I tell you.

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SorbianSwitzerland 4 points *

gabe4linux I... Feel sorry for you man.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Is hard to see the comments due to this sub's background, but all I really have to say is good for you. Any cafe can be comfy af.

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SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

My dick has taken me places, I wouldn't even go with a gun.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Just feel bad for anybody trying to read the replies here.

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