I only use reddit to check heraldry designs for ck3. I also got locked after my account started posting in a bunch porn subs due to a bot I guess. No clue what the point of it was, since I found no adverts on it, lest what it was posting under was run by shady people perhaps? Blocked all those accounts, and the subs when I regained control.
Hate the game not the player.
NWO is going crazy, I swear once I tell ZOG about this blunder they are over.
Vaush in shambles.
I watched Monsters vs. Aliens and swore any time there was any light in the form of a circle, that I was about to be crushed to death.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
I only use reddit to check heraldry designs for ck3. I also got locked after my account started posting in a bunch porn subs due to a bot I guess. No clue what the point of it was, since I found no adverts on it, lest what it was posting under was run by shady people perhaps? Blocked all those accounts, and the subs when I regained control.
Me no hablo espanol.
picks or it didn't happen.
Full package sold separately.
there now it should make sense
Cause I wanted to share my thoughts? I haven't been on Mainchan in a while so it shouldn't be a suprise that I'm checking on what I missed.
Abandoned Guy.
Real men fuck it raw, as in no replacment parts or fancy gizmos.
Man that dog has much catching up to do.
I sure hope the French don't ruin something so pure.
Too hot 🥵
Cope versus getting your dick wet.
Just cause I love Just cause.
Looks like my favorite toy plane I had. Sky blue it was.
First image went realy hard, minimap too.
God knows what the fuck state my WiiU is in by now. Before you ask me; Yes I drink soy, eat bugs and live in my pod.
Makes sense since both things are peak.
Who ever controls the 8 ball also controls the world.
Looks kino.