

556 Karma
Joined 1 year ago
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Quack 5 points

The lack of interesting content on Mainchan is the main things which makes new users inactive. Without a unique site culture, Mainchan will just be another small Reddit clone.

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Quack 1 point

>Edit: Cicero would it be possible to anonymize and deanonymize a comment in the edit?


>Can I interrupt your Lemmy shilling to shill Mainchan?

Post a reply to all Lemmy-shilling comments explaining about the cons of decentralized internet communities.

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Quack 1 point

>how would you deal with legal stuff if they try to sue you for copying their copyrighted or trademarked items

I don't think that the /u username format is able to be copyrighted.

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Quack 2 points

Guess I will post my updates for my upcoming game Beta Manlet Simulator. there, which is basically a game that tries to show normies and simps what life is like as a repulsive manlet.

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Quack 1 point

>uses red on black bg

Red is the most soothing color on a dark grey background and makes me less depressed when I browse a wesbite.

>are you ok anon?

No :(

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Hello Mainbros
s/random · Posted by Quack 1 year ago
Quack 2 points

Please do Mainchan a favor and commit "leap from building.exe"(in Minecraft)

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Quack 1 point

School is finally over so now I can chill with my mainbros more

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Quack 2 points

bruh Mainbro

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Quack 2 points

Thanks, fren, for being a Mainbro

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Quack 1 point

Shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you (in Minecraft)

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Quack 1 point

$2,000 for a shoutout? I already gave Mainchan a shoutout in front of my entire school once but I got in trouble

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Quack 1 point

I will since I won't be forced to spend time around normies and simps anymore.

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Quack 3 points

I feel happy for you, mainbro. Enjoy your life. Too bad I can't hang out with people my age because I will get bullied.

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Quack 1 point

School is basically a place where the normie teachers expect students to socialize(which is impossible for me due to reasons which you are already aware of). This is actually a way of getting students to accept behaving like sheep at the expense of the mental health of people like me.

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Quack 4 points

>tfw Cicero is a normie living a normal life

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Quack 2 points

Sucks to lose $500 when you don't have a job. My condolences, mainbro :( My day was the exact same as every other day. Nothing important happens and I simply exist.

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Quack 2 points

General Rule To Determine who is the asshole in an r/amitheasshole post



works 99% of the time because redditors are simps

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Quack 2 points

Because I am still in high school and am



-socially inept

Guess I am on track to becoming a wizard, Mainbros.

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Quack 1 point

Beta Manlet Simulator: Experience life from the perspective of a depressed beta manlet. Complete quests, fight bullies, and have boss fights against manlet haters and their simps! Work out and gain muscle quickly and beat lanky bullies!

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Quack 1 point

I will get bullied and everyone is biased against me :(

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Quack 1 point

No. That is a terrible idea. The suffix, "chan" perfectly captures the anonymous nature of this website. Furthermore, most users are already used to the name, "Mainchan". Trying to appeal to Redditora by changing the name will attract the wrong types of people to this site.

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