Hello Mainbros

Posted by Quack 1 year ago Follow

It has been a long time since I posted and checked in with my Mainbros. This website feels like a close group of friends that I have known for a long time. Let us support each other and help sustain this site.

>be me

>no irl friends

>find out about a website called “Mainchan”

>make a post

>immediately welcomed by my Mainbro frens

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[–] CAN 2 points

what up main bro?

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[–] Quack 1 point

School is finally over so now I can chill with my mainbros more

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[–] CAN 2 points

Enjoy this time of relative freedom.

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[–] Quack 1 point

I will since I won't be forced to spend time around normies and simps anymore.

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[–] CAN 2 points

Oh boy

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[–] Quack 1 point

School is basically a place where the normie teachers expect students to socialize(which is impossible for me due to reasons which you are already aware of). This is actually a way of getting students to accept behaving like sheep at the expense of the mental health of people like me.

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 3 points

*spreads cheeks*

Ur welcome in here too!

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[–] Quack 2 points

Please do Mainchan a favor and commit "leap from building.exe"(in Minecraft)

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 3 points

Unnnhhhh… daddy… I love when you treat me like garbage like that… mmmm….

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[–] Quack 1 point

Shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you (in Minecraft)

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 1 point

I would rather you pack the shit into me with your rock hard cock (in Minecraft)

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[–] Quack 2 points

bruh Mainbro

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[–] Anonymous 9a78aaab 2 points


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[–] Mr_trololo 4 points

Glad we can provide you comfort, fren

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[–] Anonymous 1f77b2d9 2 points

welcome fren

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[–] Quack 2 points

Thanks, fren, for being a Mainbro

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