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Quack 1 point

Most women are repulsed by short men, even ones with attractive faces. Adding my other negative characteristics, I am basically destined to be a KHHV for life. I don't need to learn about how to use birth control because women will never choose to enter into a sexual relationship with me for enjoyment.

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Quack 1 point


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Quack 1 point

Well I am back now in order to make Mainchan grow(based)

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Quack 2 points *

Bruh I am 5’1 and 1/10 in looks. I don’t think that any woman would want to date me. As a normie, you have privilege. You can tell unattractive people to simply try harder and fail to realize that women simply don’t want us around. Isolation ensures that you aren’t bullied and also provides a peaceful environment.

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Quack 4 points

TL;DR: Simp wants based forum site to be overrun with simps and porn, writes entire essay on why simping is good

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Quack 2 points

In a pornographic subchan, upvoting attractive women makes sense. However, in non-pornographic or non-romantic subchans where interesting discussions are expected to occur, simps ruin the upvoting system by upvoting women just for being women. I am not against upvoting women in general if they make an interesting post; the problem is that simps take their horniness to other subchans and disproportionately upvote attractive women.

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Quack 3 points

If you browse the front page of Reddit, you will, after a few minutes of scrolling, observe that a large number of top posts feature attractive women. I hope that I will never have to see similar patterns when going to the Mainchan home page.

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Quack 1 point

Normies like to give useless advice online because they automatically assume that the person on the other side of the screen is at least decent in appearance. The fact that ugly people are capable of talking about their problems baffles normies.

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Quack 1 point

Most women, even ones who aren't on dating sites, prefer their partners to be at least the same height as them. I am shorter than most women where I live.

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Quack 1 point

Well, I my be exaggerating for older people, but not for people my age.

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Quack 1 point

Well, thanks for trying to help. You have to understand, however, that, as a 5'6 man, you are already taller than most women and, even if you were obese and did not have "Chad looks", you were still attractive enough(4-6/10) to avoid scaring women away. And, as for the "numbers game", there are cases of people using dating apps for several years and getting no results.

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Quack 3 points

They think their advice applies to everyone because it worked for them. They automatically equate frequent sex and attractiveness with moral righteousness and virginity and ugliness with weirdness and suspicion, and, as a consequence of this, think that there is something wrong with our personality.

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Quack 2 points

Most people are members of many servers and only check a few of them frequently. They stay in the others because they can't be bothered to leave.

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Quack 2 points

I see a lot of short videos and uninteresting content on Reddit. People tend to upvote things which are interesting in the first few seconds and ignore high-quality content that must be read through completely to be fully appreciated.

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Quack 1 point

Thanks, mainbro

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Quack 1 point

Most people think that creating content instead of simply consuming it is too hard. The reason why certain social media apps are popular with normies is because they require little user input and, instead, can provide the normies with unlimited addictive content.

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Quack 1 point

kys(in minecraft)

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Quack 2 points

I am 15 but I have visited some messed up sites like 4chan since I was 11.

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Quack 2 points

Brutal. While most 19 year olds have social lives, him and many other unfortunate people are alone.

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Quack 1 point

Inbox will get flooded with messages from simps

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Quack 2 points

Can’t relate to these types of posts at all because I am an “ugly short guy” and no one would even respond to me in the first place but I still feel sorry for the OP because he was probably embarrassed and had to put on nice clothes before. Brutal.

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Quack 1 point

They are just bluepilled and think that a woman will touch them if they are sufficiently nice to them. Simps online have to be bluepilled because they can’t cope with the fact that their appearance is the main reason for their singleness.

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