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NecroSocial 2 points

Doing God's work, thanks anon.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Walled. Not gonna sign up for an account, got the full article text?

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NecroSocial 1 point

That we should promote the site with a "Free the Fap" event to destigmatize public masturbation. I think it was more like people didn't get that I was joking.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Dingus appreciated

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NecroSocial 2 points

Wipes FTW. Back in my broke days I knew I was living large when I could afford to splurge on mouthwash and baby wipes. It was like ghetto fabulousness achieved.

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NecroSocial 1 point

I mean yeah you can go to Google News and search for "craft of non-human origin" and there's a bunch of results detailing the same story. Two ex military intel guys with top secret clearance whistleblowing about recovered alien craft with one having given a classified congressional report on it. Crazy stuff.

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NecroSocial 3 points

Greentext option seems a lil hidden. Like it's not something you can just select in the comment editor, you gotta know it requires a leading greater-than symbol. Maybe you chan vets are used to it but it's new to a Reddit refugee like myself.

>I'm still getting the hang of things around here

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NecroSocial 2 points

A rubber band would do the same as that bottle opener for -100% the cost.

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NecroSocial 7 points *

I wonder how doable that is technically. Seems easy enough to enforce a limit to one user account. But what about alt accounts? What about users who run alt accounts trough a VPN or other proxy which defeats an IP or location based approach? What about the edge cases? Two mods at the limit on a public or shared device? One logs out and then another uses that device and because whatever measure sees both accounts on the same device the accounts are flagged as one single user violating the mod limit even though neither has?

Enforcement of a mod limit at scale could be a recipe for an unmanageable game of whack-a-mole. Also I'm unsure if or how much Mainchan allowing anonymous mods might throw a wrench in the works.

Just spitballing here, Cicero might know of some method that makes it super easy *shrug*

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NecroSocial 4 points
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The SEC Sues Coinbase (
s/news · Posted by NecroSocial 1 year ago
NecroSocial 2 points

Haha, thanks yeah I just imagined the World of Darkness game I've been wishing they would make.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

An action-adventure MMORPG set in the complete pre-V5 "World of Darkness" universe (meaning all the lore from pre-2004 Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Wraith: The Oblivion, Changeling: The Dreaming, and Hunter: The Reckoning combined).

Players would customize a human avatar and set off to become whatever type of entity they choose through their gameplay choices. Avatars would have certain base attributes that would influence their positions in life at the start of the game (for instance players could choose to start as a wealthy businessperson or aristocrat if they want to court membership in the vampire clan Ventrue or the mage faction The Technocracy's convention The Syndicate. Start as a punk or biker gang member to move in the same circles city Gangrel, a jungle tribesman to be near Uktena Werewolves or Dreamspeaker mages, etc. etc...)

Another option would be just playing as a mundane human and letting the game choose your fate. Maybe your character comes upon a person being mugged and decides to fight off the robber, getting killed in the process. The next scene you wake up in the afterlife realm of Stygia, a new recruit to the Grim Legion.

Maybe the robber is actually a weak caitiff vampire that you manage to fend off after seeing what they are. Maybe you start seeking out and destroying such weak vampires attracting the attention of a Messenger who leads you to become a Hunter who battles creatures of the night. Or perhaps your vampire slaying spree results in vamps from clan Assamite seeking to embrace you by force, or you getting recruited by the Technocracy.

Perhaps your avatar comes upon a dying man and before you can call for help light erupts from the man's body and enters yours, you are now the very rare person given a Fae soul in adulthood (they usually inhabit children before birth), a Changeling.

Anyway, once a character's path is set they'd play out all sorts of World of Darkness scenarios as missions, world events, challenges etc. They'd level up their abilities and their avatar's position in society vying for power against all the other factions and entities in the game. The end game would allow players to enjoy various types of gameplay from sci-fi FPS (a Technocrat Void Engineer in the Border Corps Division fighting off invading aliens), to puzzles (first to escape the ever changing Tremere chantry survives), to fighting (Akashic Brotherhood mages martial arts dueling each other or underground fight clubs where all types can pit their skills against each other) and so on.

The game would be the ultimate realization of the original The World of Darkness before everything went through a million changes after 2004. I know I'd play the ever loving feck out of it.

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