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[–] NecroSocial 2 points *

LK-99 is the supposed room temperature ambient pressure super conductor that's Nobel-Prize-worthy big if true. The race is on to replicate the original experiment and fully verify the claims that LK-99 is a true room temperature superconductor. If LK-99 holds up, expect some futuristic tech to emerge afterwards along with lossless power grids, levitating trains that put current maglev to shame, faster, smaller and more efficient computers and more accurate medical imaging tech. Could even be the key to fully unlock fusion energy. So y'know, no biggie.

The study above is one of the first to successfully reproduce a portion of the original findings and they expect more to come. A great article on LK-99 here:

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[–] Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

i need to start investing in this stuff asap.

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[–] Anonymous a5d5e9a8 2 points

Does it mean CPUs with like THz freq?

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[–] NecroSocial 2 points

If true then yeah. All the future tech stuff would be years down the line though.

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[–] Anonymous bcd2598c 2 points

Wait so did the room temp superconductor actually get confirmed and reproduced by another team yet?

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[–] NecroSocial 1 point

Two different teams have confirmed two different hallmarks of superconductivity (Meisner Effect and 0 resistance) but no team has yet recreated both effects at the same time at room temp or higher. Optimistic take is that no team has yet formulated the pure sample of LK-99 required due to it's chemical make-up and the ratio of compounds being difficult to get right and the pessimistic take is LK-99 is just diamagnetic with some superconducting properties but probably not the holy grail. Time will tell who's right.

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