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NecroSocial 2 points

Well my hope that the show would go beyond just being mid-tier at best has not been met with this opener. But then when Akiva "Hack" Goldsman's name is attached as the writer that's to be expected I guess. My main takeaways from this episode:

WTF is with the super soldier serum? Never before in Trek has this stuff been mentioned or used. Not even in THIS SHOW's previous season when it could have come in handy or even saved lives multiple times. Why TF aren't all officers carrying a hypospray of this syrum at all times? I'm calling this stuff Bullshit Juice from now on.

Why the holy goddamn hell are they trying to introduce another war arc? Strange New Worlds was supposed to be the optimistic TOS/TNG style show. This whole episode was pretty much darkness that hinged on fighting and blowing up ships.

Pike, the captain of the ship, is in this episode for one scene at the start then fucks off to go see Una. Another first because there has never been a Star Trek show that started a season without it's captain. Pike was sidelined a whole lot in season one as well. I'm starting to think he's a guest star in his own show.

And why the Gorn??? This pre-TOS show is threatening a Gorn war story when Kirk in TOS didn't know that species at all when the Metrons force him to fight one. Young Kirk is on this show. What the fucking fuckity fuck?

This show seems to be getting worse, just when I thought nuTrek couldn't disappoint me more.

My episode rating: *Sigh*

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NecroSocial 4 points

I checked out kbin, was surprised how active it was but didn't join. I dunno, Mainchan just has more soul or something.

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NecroSocial 2 points

A lot of the subs are saying they're blacked out indefinitely. Guess we'll see which ones really have the cahones to keep at it.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Nice. I have it on a playlist I listen to every now and then. Song rocks.

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Sum 41 - Screaming Bloody Murder (
s/music · Posted by NecroSocial 1 year ago
NecroSocial 2 points

Yeah the Presonus Eris are prolly the best reference monitors in their price range. Not sure monitors are the best option for OP though since they're meant to not color or enhance the sound like regular speakers. I don't really have a regular speaker recommendation though since I've been a headphones guy for like ever. So *shrug*

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NecroSocial 2 points

They need more subs to join the protest. RN reddit's algo is promoting the subs that didn't go dark to make it look like business as usual.

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NecroSocial 3 points

Really shows the point of the API change isn't even money when they ignore potential customers. The point has always been to kill the 3rd party ecosystem.

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NecroSocial 2 points


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NecroSocial 4 points

Yeah no I checked, they stayed long all the way down. They dumb. Seem wealthy regardless though so that probably takes the sting off.

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NecroSocial 2 points

If they held to today they're down a lil over 58%. Oof. Not a gender thing though, most investors have that one play where they went long at what turned out to be the top. If this group is smart they quickly switched to short side plays to ride the downtrend then went long again when the bleeding stopped. I mean that or some yolo DCA shit who knows with cryptobroads.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Fair enough, the last paragraph is my thoughts on AI and a good TLDR, the rest is complaining about the types that wax poetic about the superiority of humanity vs computers.

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NecroSocial 0 points

Y'know there's a whole sub for this type of post: s/reddithasfallen

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NecroSocial 2 points

Having now read the article I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of this flowery humanist language by those wary of AI. It all tends to boil down to the same underlying theme that the works of AI are unnatural, soulless and only that which comes directly from a human's toil can ever be soulful, mindful or transcendent. Lots of warnings that AI has the potential to rob us of some innate essence that makes humanity and our doings so great etc. etc.


It's all a bit too luddite and short-sighted for my liking. It's a philosophy that ascribes this haughty sense of holiness to human consciousness and what it produces. I'm of the mind that our brains and the consciousness therein are just biological machines, moving electrons and writing memories no different than computers. Love is a chemical cocktail. Hate much the same. That we see, say, a beautiful painting that moves us isn't due to the humanity of the painter but to that painting triggering mental processes in us that cause specific chemicals to hit specific receptors in a process we define as the experience of emotion. I find it ludicrous to say AI producing the same result in us is somehow less valid because AI did it instead of another person.


I mentioned the short-sighted nature these types of arguments tend to have. They almost never play the technology forward to when AI LLMs are all but obsolete and we're in the realm of AGI. What happens to these flowery notions of the primacy of consciousness when the AIs are conscious? Does the art AI creates then suddenly gain this mythic soulfulness these types of arguments deny they posses today?


It seems like these arguments are setting up this budding sort of AI racism, getting their "Humans are better because humanity FTW, philosophy" all ready just in case some AI gets uppity one day and starts calling itself a person.


Anyway my philosophy on AI is to let it do all the things. Let it capture every industry, every job, all of it. Let the AI and robots do everything and get them to the point where they do it all amazingly well. Let humans finally fucking chill out. We are due as a species for some fully automated, leisurely, heaven on earth type living. Everyone free to do whatever they want whenever they want. No work unless you want to work on something while surrounded by awesome tech we can only dream of because AI figured out some crazy sci-fi level physics and now we can teleport and have holodecks and not age and shit. All these "but muh humanity" motherfuckers need to go like read some poetry and just stay out of the way.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Looks cool. I'll have to try it out next time I hit a paywall.

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