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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

dark in the near term, and I can't say much about the long term, but I am hopeful for it. I don't think things can go on like they are indefinitely, so eventually, there'll be major pushback that brings things back to something resembling normal or ideal.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

>anon realizes he has to go out to find love instead of waiting for it to come to him

surprised it took him so long.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

try to find ways to make the work itself enjoyable. don't know how you would do that exactly, but that's probably the only way out of your predicament aside from a career change.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

good job anon. I really need to pick that up myself one of these days.

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Gokturks_are_furries 0 points

Joan of Arc.

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Gokturks_are_furries 0 points

based Femanon.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

you're welcome bro.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

>anon thinks /x/ is history

if that ain't the story of that entire board. thanks for the links, I'll make sure to help you with your question.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

>mfw he advertises a reddit alternative on a much smaller reddit alternative

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

Woah.. he's literally me...

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

cool bird

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

total war medieaval II, stardew valley, and yomi hustle.

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John Cena's themesong (
s/videos · Posted by Gokturks_are_furries 1 year ago
Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

i got nothing then, sorry.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point


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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for, but that song did remind of this:

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

love me some vidya

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

oh, you should play Arcanum then, it's a classic.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

ebic :DDDD

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

sorry about that.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point


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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

personally, I think the biggest problem with 4chan's aggressiveness is how it constantly derails the conversation. Anytime anyone says something there, everyone else gets so offended that they HAVE to respond to it, making it real easy to bait people into arguing for hours about the most idiotic and trivial things. you see it a lot on /his/ especially, where people will go into a frothing rage in every single thread, making it so that everyone's constantly trying to offend and is constantly being offended. any real conversation inevitably gets drowned out in the retarded shouting matches.

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