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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point


that idea actually sounds really good to me. would be kino if i could call myself "Great Khagan" or something like that. as for additional function, i can't really think of any. maybe get rid of the captchas. otherwise, nothing comes to mind.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points


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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

nice video, thanks for sharing

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

same tbqh

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

it's not about the wording, it's about the substance. No one ever says something like that without being dead-set on starting pointless arguments and degrading the general quality of discussion. Simply put, I don't think there is a way to reword the post so that it ceased to be bait.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

they're but one factor in a complex equation of unabashed retardation. The fedora-tippers are responsible for as many god-awful threads as the trad-larpers, and they both find themselves in good company with the /pol/ colonists and /int/ tourists and other assorted schizophrenics and zoomer polemicists. The man with a genuine desire to learn and discuss history is a stranger there, a foreigner on what should be his own board. I won't allow the same to happen on /s/history, and that means nipping all of these problems in the bud.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

sorry anon, but i've seen how that stuff sent /his/ down the shitter, and i don't want the same to happen with /s/history.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

nah, i think the current system works well enough.

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Gokturks_are_furries 4 points

A lot of different things. There's everything you've already mentioned and the fact that the vast majority of the users are insufferable. They're always repeating the same unfunny jokes and references ad nauseam, always talk in that inane, obnoxious, smug tone, even when they're talking about something they clearly don't understand. these problems are present across the entirety of the internet, but they're especially potent on Reddit.

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Gokturks_are_furries 3 points

nice. good job man.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

I love it, and I think people who don't are weirdos.

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Gokturks_are_furries 3 points

Staying alive.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point


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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

was it worth it anon?

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

Some super obscure Vtuber whose name i will not mention to keep her obscure.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

no, not for years.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

idk, just anything interesting, I guess.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point


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Gokturks_are_furries 6 points

thanks for the hard work man.

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