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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

nice. planning to do anything special to mark the occasion?

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

Does Xi Jinping have a twitter account?

if so, i'd use his to say some heinously racist stuff about Koreans and in particular Kim Jong-Un. Mostly i just want to see if i can start a war between best china and best korea and see which one would win.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

Stealth x City Sim

create a secret city of rat people in the sewers and prepare for your conquest of the surface dwellers.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

Not much. the only thing to worry about with ai imo is idiots who don't understand what it is putting it into things it shouldn't be in and expecting it to make everything perfect because for all they know the whole things practically magic.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points


we're all going to make it bros.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

well iirc this is a folksong from the outer Hebrides where they still speak gaelic, which is probably why they sound so similar.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

lol, i'm pretty sure the Gorillaz have already done that.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

my money is on the cybernetic lizard-man.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

>4chan is smart people acting like idiots, redditors are idiots trying their hardest to sound smart.

idk, 4chan has a lot of that latter group too. i think the main difference is that they aren't LARPing to gain a reputation, but because they genuinely don't realize how retarded they are.

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Gokturks_are_furries 2 points


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Gokturks_are_furries 5 points

Well like i said, it will take a while, and a decent portion of redditors aren't going to appreciate a place like this so their won't be a lot of immediate traction, but give it some time and i can definitely see this place doing fantastically.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

How will horse-girls ever recover?

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

>he doesn't jealously guard his virginity until the age of 30 t obtain unparalleled wizard powers


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Gokturks_are_furries 6 points

it's still a pretty small and slow site, so people looking for an active community probably wouldn't be too interested. There's also the fact that this is a free-speech platform, which many Redditors took as a bad thing since they're retards. In any case, that won't be the situation this site will be in forever. It will probably take awhile, but I can definitely see this one outpacing most other reddit alternatives due to the anonymous posting feature and content creator program.

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s/random · Posted by Gokturks_are_furries 1 year ago
Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

>DS9 was the most un-Star Trek series of the pre-2005 shows.

honestly, that's probably why I prefer it to the rest. Not so much because it's dark or cynic, but more because it's just more interesting. With most Star-Trek shows, everything is very episodic. The crew just stumbles on a planet facing a crisis or something, do some science all over it, wax philosophical, and the move on to the next adventure. DS9 however is a lot different by the simple virtue of staying put in a single place. They can't just dump a load of science in Bajor and the wormhole and expect that to solve all of their problems. They got to really dig deep there, deal with all the Bajoran politics and Cardassian interference and prophet shenanigans and see how it all changes over time. I think this gave it the kind of complexity all of the other shows were sorely lacking-in.

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Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

>It was worse than TNG. Way, way worse.

I honestly preferred Voyager to TNG. Sure many points of it where pretty bland, but the premise of the show was fairly novel and the plot-structure was pretty interesting imo. Couldn't stand TNG tho, i just found everything about it to be insufferable, excepting the klingon episodes, those were great.

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