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Me resting free from glowies and with a good conscious since I know God himself approves of my choice of operating system. TempleOS knows no equal, for it is the only correct choice.
I just use windows.
Linux mint with i3wm is the best OS every developer can dream of, fast, stable, keyboard focused.
puppy linux
That one linux distro that can play video games. oh wait
Lately Linux got a lot better with games.
More developers create games natively for linux.
Proton emulation is great(as for emulation of course).
Steam Deck
I wouldn't reccomend Linux for gamers, but it is getting better very fast.
I'd use Linux if I could play 99% of my games on it. I COULD just VM windows when I want to play games but that's a lot of effort.
Can I fuck Qubes?
net bsd
Me resting free from glowies and with a good conscious since I know God himself approves of my choice of operating system. TempleOS knows no equal, for it is the only correct choice.
I just use windows.
Linux mint with i3wm is the best OS every developer can dream of, fast, stable, keyboard focused.
puppy linux
That one linux distro that can play video games. oh wait
Lately Linux got a lot better with games.
More developers create games natively for linux.
Proton emulation is great(as for emulation of course).
Steam Deck
I wouldn't reccomend Linux for gamers, but it is getting better very fast.
I'd use Linux if I could play 99% of my games on it. I COULD just VM windows when I want to play games but that's a lot of effort.
Can I fuck Qubes?
net bsd