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[–] Coolguy 1 point

net bsd

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[–] Anonymous 218dc73c 1 point

Can I fuck Qubes?

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[–] Anonymous f8df9a9a 4 points

That one linux distro that can play video games. oh wait

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[–] gabe4linux 1 point

Lately Linux got a lot better with games.

More developers create games natively for linux.

Proton emulation is great(as for emulation of course).

Steam Deck

I wouldn't reccomend Linux for gamers, but it is getting better very fast.

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[–] Anonymous f8df9a9a 2 points

I'd use Linux if I could play 99% of my games on it. I COULD just VM windows when I want to play games but that's a lot of effort.

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[–] Rain 6 points

puppy linux

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[–] anonymous 1 point

Linux mint with i3wm is the best OS every developer can dream of, fast, stable, keyboard focused.

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[–] Anonymous b991693f 5 points

I just use windows.

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 7 points

Me resting free from glowies and with a good conscious since I know God himself approves of my choice of operating system. TempleOS knows no equal, for it is the only correct choice.

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