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[–] Cicero 4 points

I'm too busy/lazy to read so my backlog is just growing and growing. But The Goblin Emperor is next.

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[–] JaqenHghar64 3 points
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[–] Another_Monkey 2 points

Actually, I´m reading The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli. It´s a good and interesting book about politics

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[–] Gokturks_are_furries 2 points

Currently reading Gulag: A History by Anne Applebaum. It's a very interesting book, would highly recommend.

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[–] anonymous 1 point

The first book I chose to read this year is Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, hopefully by the time I finish the book I will be able to reduce my screen time. My first step was blocking reddit and 4chan and uninstalling all games on my machine.

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