Not many new users and the old users are not posting as much. I dont wanna see this site die
Dont start anon234
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i am not in my mood
Well get in the mood
As much as a person may post content to keep the site fresh, eventually they'll get bored by the lack of novelty.
I haven't been around to make a gazillion posts like usual since my health decided to suck dick. Been busy with stuff like trying to walk without passing out, getting anxiety when my heart beats a lil too hard, taking a ton of meds and dealing with some just wonderful bathroom related side-effects. I'm still here tho. When I'm able to I'll get back to my usual deluge of posts that get zero interaction.
I thought I had it tough. Hope you making good progress.
Thanks, yeah the progress is coming, feeling stronger, just lost the last visible signs of my IV bruise that had turned my whole inner forearm purple/black. Baby steps.
Where are you getting these bruises from
I don't have a picture of it's final size but here's how it was before it covered my whole forearm.
At the hospital one of the IVs they put in my right arm caused a bruise that went from the middle of my arm to my wrist. Didn't hurt just felt like when a muscle gets sore from working out. But it shocked people who saw it, that was fun.
Yeah, it has been a little slower lately. i've been trying to keep things active by channeling my own autism, but i'm not sure if it's having much effect. The only things you can do really is keep posting what you like and shill the site whenever it's socially appropriate.
There have always been precisely two Mainchan users. 1) The admin and 2) [REDACTED] who operates all the other accounts.
I dont think any does that other than you.
Maybe gaystation was right, maybe you are anonymous234.
Or maybe your just an incel.
Edit: Cicero is chill
I am obliged to post the holidays but other than that I really do want to post but I dont know what to post, I would want to post something unique but all the good ideas are taken. I used to do alot of polls but I fell like people of sick of them so I stopped.
Same here. I just don't know what to post. Maybe we all don't have anything to post because we are all terminally online gremlins who just spend their lives scrolling on the internet and thus have nothing interesting to share. I'm probably just projecting though...
Ah yes, the 3am binge
What do you mean?
Seems like something I'd say at 3am
I can relate. When I'm on the internet, I just talk about internet stuff. I typically tend to avoid talking about my real life whilst online. I get too preserve some of my anonymity, but at the same time, shit can get boring real quick.
Are you doing the mainchan quiz in 2024
Finally its dying
I predicted that over a year ago.