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Admins saying it was a glitch. Kinda sus a glitch would somehow only effect the NSFW subs.

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Not even one of their best songs off Abominable I just love the bridge that starts at 2:38s into it. You almost never hear a Death Metal band bust out a melody like that especially one that lets the bass player carry the song for a while. First time I heard it I was stoned which made it even better.

So if you get a chance do yourself a favor, get stoned and listen to the Amagortis album Abominable, it's very very good.

As always extreme metal is music meant for good heaphones. If you're listening on tinny PC, laptop, or earbud speakers it'll probably sound terrible (think pigs being slaughtered to the sound of static over the banging of pots and pans).

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The kinda music to bang your Elf girlfriend to after a long day of slaying orcs. 🤘

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I dig this song (why I posted it) but anyone who's a guitarist look at the tabs to this song for a hearty laugh. Pure low E string binary code 0-1 abuse all the way through except for the harmonics. Wish my old band knew we could get away with this back in the day. Aaah deathcore, never change.

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Of course should the pantelegraph still not meet your debloating and optimization needs the goto fix is, obviously, telepathy. While it will necessitate giving your AI girlfriend the mecha-cortex upgrade (not cheap) to allow her to decode telepathic signaling the results can't be beaten.



...Unless you're a truly dedicated web developer in which case you can further optimize your site by engineering around the well known "flesh bottleneck" present in standard telepathy. This is an easy step that can be achieved in a variety of ways though most devs choose to employ a purpose-made guillotine to decapitate themselves thereby freeing the soul up to directly transmit your site to users without the costly overhead of sending out packets through brain matter and bone. The femtoseconds of download time one saves this way can significantly reduce your site's bounce rate while boosting user engagement.

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Oh that's just a standard cum well, just with the old Germanic spelling "kumwell". Back before traces of cum were added to everyone's drinking water men had to refill their balls at these local cum wells. A fount with a cock-height, mouth-shaped opening was affixed to the well basin under the plate. Men would then stick their penises (or in ye olde speak "earth rods") into the fount and a lever would be pulled releasing a nutsack-filling amount of white gold baby batter right up the man's tallywhacker which as any doctor will tell you is a sound, though crude method of replenishing a man's jizz reserves.


However with modern advances in both engineering and cum mining/processing these days we're able to passively refill our kumknurdles (as the Germans would call empty balls) just by drinking refreshing, nano-cum infused, tap water. The more you know eh?

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Body burns are pretty standard stuntman stuff, just seems extreme in a music video context I guess.

But yeah if you're using 3 dollar ear buds all you're hearing out of this song is static backed by pots and pans. The production is that wall of noise, limiter maxed-out, loudness war stuff. Same as Lorna Shore uses. The first time I listened to it even on nice headphones the production was too grating on my ear. It took me seeing like a million reaction videos to this song saying it was ssooooooooo OMFG heeeeeeavy to give it a second chance. Like I can see why Deathcore doods think it's super heavy and relentless and all that but I listen to stuff by bands like Devourment and 7H.Target that could bully this song out of it's lunch money. Guess that's why I asked for opinions, I'm not getting why people are losing their minds over this song. Like it's good, not mind blowing, but the production sucks balls IMO.

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Nice. Have a metal meme.

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Ahma guess AI?

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