ok, i'm an old member of pl (short of pixel land) and i feel like making a quick post to explain it to you new guys

i am charr, an old member from 2020, i will also sometimes go by kiwi on pl. there are quite a few mods on pl, you can tell if someone is a mod if they have an orange name or not, including but not limited to, wilhelmlover42, pantsplant, malkist, cerith, and nizneb. now i don't feel like explaining every little part of pl to you guys, so i would highly recommend reading some parts of the wiki at https://pixelsland.fandom.com/wiki/Pixels.land_Wiki, if you have any questions that can't be answered through the wiki you can ask them under this post and i will most likely answer

Comments (18)

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[–] uwu 0 points

so true

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[–] charrisacake 1 point


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[–] charrisacake 1 point

also don't be a bitch and grief art for no reason, it's cringe

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[–] Gaystation 1 point

why you ban me

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[–] charrisacake -1 point

you were racist fucker

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[–] Gaystation 1 point

not like you where stoping me

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[–] charrisacake 0 points

we did stop you, ur banned

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[–] Gaystation 1 point

yeah but not after i said it the first time

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[–] charrisacake 0 points

just stfu no one wants to hear it

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[–] Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

oh damn, do we have a beef going-on with another website?

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[–] charrisacake 1 point

there's like 8 ppl on here that have been going over to pl and destroying stuff, nothing that big i just don't want it to get out of hand

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[–] charrisacake 2 points

including anon234, who's been writing a bunch of stuff about how children make him hard

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

They get off on sharing it. Is why there is so much "I only pretend to be a pedo" stuff online, they can claim it with pride and the backtrack on it like is just a joke.

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[–] Rain 2 points

yeah thats anon234 for you

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 1 point *

I despite having a reddit account for some time, never took part in any of the r/place events. I did use a copy cat site for a year. Made some country balls for scandinavia and a place dubbed "New New Sweden" (which somebody then improved for me), I still have the name of it thanks to the discord group (canvas.place).

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[–] LegendisClone 1 point

I've been a member of Pixel Land since 2020 too! Thats cool!

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[–] charrisacake 1 point

wow, so cool

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