I've just reached 40 hours of playtime in Dark Souls Remastered and I've strongly disliked almost every moment of it. It all just feels so damn cluncky and the difficulty feels artificially boosted. For example in order to parry you need to get the timing just right or how sometimes a bunch of enemies swarm you and it's automatically game over. I've rung both bells of awakening, defeated the Pinwheel, Capra Demon, Gaping Dragon and Midnight Butterfly and I though that I must be nearing the end of the game just to find out online that I've only completed about 20% of the entire game. I'm not sure if I can force myself to keep on playing anymore. I honestly quite like exploring in this game and learning how the world is all tied together. My mind was blown when I learned that the Blight town and Firelink shrine are connected or how Dark Root basin is conneted to Valley of Drakes. But as I've said in the title the rest of the game feels like getting kicked in the balls.

Edited 3 months ago

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Wish I could enjoy single player games. I need the constant contest and adrenaline of a multiplayer shooter to hold my interest. Last single player game I was able to tolerate was GTA, still never finished the story though. The Souls-Like games look cool but I know I'd be bored to tears trying to play one.

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I used to love multiplayer games but now I simply don't play them because of toxic teammates. I don't have a lot of time to play video games these days and the last thing I want to do when I come home from work is to listen to some guy bitch about my skills because I don't spend 12 hours per day no-lifing a game.

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DS1 is quite the experience, I would highly recommend giving it a go at least once.

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Anonymous ba480976

you'd probably like Elden Ring and/or Bloodborne more. The former because it has a ton of exploring to do, and the latter since it's far more fluid and skill-based when it comes to gameplay.

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If Bloodborne ever comes to Steam I might try it. As for Elden Ring I will wait for a sale or something and buy it then.

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>I honestly quite like exploring in this game and learning how the world is all tied together.

This is the main appeal of DS1, and it unfortunately all falls apart at the halfway mark.

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I guess there isn't much of a reason for me to keep on playing then.

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You should finish Anor Londo, but after that, no not really.

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Ok, I will. Thanks.

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Oh yeah almost forgot, the painted world found in Anor Londo is also considered peak DS level design. Might as well give that one a go too.

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Anonymous 3fb347b0

Pretty much any DS like game is like a boring grind to me, I can't stand those games so I don't even play them.

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