What are your top 5 games?

Posted by Anonymous 1 year ago Follow

apparently i need to put text here

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[–] Cicero 3 points

No particular order:

  • Elden Ring
  • Zelda - Ocarina of Time
  • Rimworld (assuming it's modded to my liking)
  • Ragnarok Online because it gave me the fondest memories I have in gaming
  • Chrono Trigger
  • CS 1.6 - I don't care if this means 6 entries total

Honorable mentions: The entire Dragon Quest series, Monster Hunter: World, Dota 2, FF6/8, Mario 64, Smash Bros,

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[–] Warren 2 points

half life 2

dark souls 1



zelda wind waker

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[–] Gokturks_are_furries 1 point

total war medieval 2

total war warhammer

fallout new vegas


mount and blade warband

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[–] NecroSocial 1 point *

In no particular order:

  • Phantom Dust
  • Overwatch 1 (Pre-Brig)
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)
  • Magic: The Gathering (CCG)
  • Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (CCG)

Runner Up: Tetris

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[–] JaqenHghar64 1 point

1. The Witcher 3

2. Blitzkrieg 2

3. Gothic (1 & 2)

4. Stronghold (Legends, Crusader and 1)

5. Jak and Daxter trilogy

Honorable mentions: Spore, Hearts of Iron IV, Europa Universalis IV, Factorio, Knight of Honor (1 & 2), Rayman (2, Origins and Legends), King's Bounty The Legend, Crash games, Spyro trilogy (reignited)

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