Which of these do you agree with more
Overstepping Mods
1 vote
Left leaning agenda
1 vote
5 votes
A lack of functionally
0 votes
Privacy Concerns
3 votes

Voting closed 2 years ago.

Comments (19)

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[–] anonymous 6 points

Congrats on getting the first gold award on Mainchan

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[–] Yes 4 points

That's crazy! I'm honoured. Most realistic gold I'll ever own in my lifetime

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[–] anonymous 6 points

Overstepping Mods and Censorship

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[–] Mr_trololo 4 points *

Damn, this became the top post in all of Mainchan within a day.

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[–] Mr_trololo 1 point

Wtf happened, it went down to 9 upvotes..?

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[–] Cicero 1 point


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[–] Cicero 1 point

looks like a bug with awards. An award should give 10 upvotes. Seems that goes away when I do the reset-hotness after 2 days. I'll look into now.

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[–] Anonymous 16bd1e29 4 points

There's some things I like about mainchan more than reddit, little functionalities like following users or anon posting.

But the main thing is that on reddit you have to self-censor so much. Compare that to 4chan or mainchan, where you can say anything, it's a breath of fresh air. Even if it's someone else saying opinions I disagree with, I'd much rather be able to debate them rather than them just being banned or whatever.

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[–] Coolguy 3 points

All the above

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[–] Gokturks_are_furries 4 points

A lot of different things. There's everything you've already mentioned and the fact that the vast majority of the users are insufferable. They're always repeating the same unfunny jokes and references ad nauseam, always talk in that inane, obnoxious, smug tone, even when they're talking about something they clearly don't understand. these problems are present across the entirety of the internet, but they're especially potent on Reddit.

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[–] Quack 2 points

A Redditor emerges from his parent's basement, wearing a shirt with the transgender flag on. He grabs his daily dose of soy and heads back downstairs. He then opens Reddit and begins to ban everyone for breaking the "Reddiquette" and screaming every time he sees something that is "homophobic", "transphobic", or "aphobic", spilling chunks of soy and chewed food everywhere. He then admires his collection of Funko Pops, which cost him about $10 each(he has 320 of them).

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[–] Anonymous 6d6295b6 2 points

first homie to get award

i am jealos

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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point


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[–] Anonymous d895f093 1 point

All of the above

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[–] Cicero 1 point

>see post criticizing reddit, which benefits mainchan and therefore me

>gift gold to increase its visibility

>the money just goes back to me

I cannot lose.

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[–] EtTuChud 1 point

Well ACKSHUALLY buying the gold is taxxed meaning that you only get <100% of your spent money

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[–] PM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 1 point

we're seeing levels of intelligence... previously thought impossible.

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[–] Yes 3 points

*Ahem "Thanks for the Gold, kind Mainer!"

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[–] anonymous 4 points

4d chess

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