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EtTuChud 2 points

Unless you're Chad (or gay) no

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EtTuChud 1 point

Ice cream sandwich

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Et tu, Chud?
s/random · Posted by EtTuChud 1 year ago
EtTuChud 2 points

Outclassed by ChatGPT and all around a rushed product

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EtTuChud 2 points

Anon was so close to wizardom

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EtTuChud 1 point

>Feeling warm fuzzies from another man


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EtTuChud 1 point


I don't find the test to be too accurate

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EtTuChud 1 point

Elden Ring DLC

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EtTuChud 1 point *

Factorio because it is more addictive than black tar heroin and scratches that itch for a war game that includes tower defence and an autistic level of depth, and any Soulsborne, loving DS2 so far and I put 600 hours into Elden Ring

Terraria is very nostalgic for me but not my favorite

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EtTuChud 3 points

I wish I could be but I tipped the fedora too far and I can't genuinely believe it anymore

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EtTuChud 1 point

All is going to plan

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EtTuChud 1 point
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EtTuChud 1 point

They should have been staying inside wearing their hijab and praying to Mecca Inshallah

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EtTuChud 2 points

I don't have any

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EtTuChud 2 points

Doing great

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EtTuChud 2 points
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EtTuChud 2 points

It's a Sudanese honey sommelier forum

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EtTuChud 2 points

Not le hecking redditerino

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EtTuChud 1 point

Papers Please is

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EtTuChud 1 point

Good. I hated that shit

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EtTuChud 2 points

GOD DAMM big if you wrote all of this yourself

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EtTuChud 2 points

Those are boss encounters

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