For the past few weeks I've been refactoring a boatload of Mainchan's codebase in order to accommodate localization. Thousands of changes across hundreds of files.
This isn't really going change much but I sincerely doubt I changed up so much code without creating some bugs that I didn't think to verify.
I realize that a lot of Mainchan users are from /g/ and are probably programmers, so some of you might be thinking "Cicero, with such a large project like Mainchan, surely you've set up automated unit testing over time to catch bugs like this, right?"........
Edited 1 year ago
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ah yes, refract those codebases. resneed the feed and seed codex for further recalibration.
Wait, /g/ users understand technology?
doesn't make any sense, considering how small the userbase is, besides anyone using niche internet sites in 2012+11 ought to have good english skills anyways
Isn't cicero a clown? why'd you name yourself after a clown, anon?
I asked and received cringe
I see now why you name yourself after a clown
do it
what are you going to do about image hosting once imgur deletes all content not tied to any account?
Oh wow. I didn't know about this. I wonder if this affect their API
couldn't you strike a deal with pixeldrain or some other cloud file host
and also compress any uploaded file to a certain res/bitrate to save more space ?
>couldn't you strike a deal with pixeldrain or some other cloud file host
I'll find an alternative for sure if imgur disables their API due to this change.
>compress any uploaded file
I did before switching to imgur. They do that themselves, probably better than with the package I was using to do it too.
didn't mean to comment as anon
open source mainchan let me help u
I don't think you could even if you wanted to. In an attempt to secure the source code from outside theft, I've obfuscated it by having all function names and variable as emojis.
ctrl+f ?
Deobfuscation tools and text replacement tools: